MySQL 常用语句
// 显示帮助
help show;
# 显示所有可以显示的信息语法;
// 显示数据库
show databases;
// 选中数据库
use tablename;
# 回车后显示Database changed 表示选中成功;
// 显示表
show tables;
// 显示列
show columns from tablename;
describe tablename;
show columns in tablename;
// 其他
// 显示服务器状态信息
show status;
// 显示创建数据库的sql语句
show create database databasename;
// 显示创建表的sql语句
show create table tablename;
// 显示数据库用户
show grants;
// 显示服务器错误信息
show errors;
// 显示服务器警告信息
show warnings;
- 查看数据库
show databases;
- 创建数据库
create database databasename;
- 删除数据库
drop database databasename;
- 使用数据库
use databasename;
show tables;
show columns from databasename;
show columns in databasename;
describe tablename;
create table if not exists tablename( id tinyint not null auto_increment, name varchar(20) not null, score int(3) not null default 0, primary key(id) )ENGINE=InnoDB; default charset=utf8
drop table if exists tablename; create table tablename( id tinyint not null auto_increment, name varchar(20) not null, score int(3) not null default 0, primary key(id) )ENGINE=InnoDB;
drop table tablename;
drop table if exists tablename;
// 复制表结构和数据
create table if not exists newtablename select * from oldtablename;
// 只复制表结构
create table if not exists newtablename select * from oldtablename where 1=2;
create table if not exists newtablename like oldtablename;
// 只复制数据(新表与旧表表结构完全一致)
insert into newtablename select * from oldtablename;
// 只复制数据(新表与旧表表结构部分列一致)
insert into newtablename(field1, field2, field3) select field1,field2,field3 from oldtablename;
rename table oldtablename to newtablename;
alter table oldtablename rename newtablename;
- 增加新列
alter table tablename add columnname datatype[(20)] [not null];
- 删除列
alter table tablename drop columnname;
- 修改列
alter table tablename modify columnname datatype[(20)];
- 修改表选项
alter table tablename charset set gbk;
select prod_name from products;
select prod_name, prod_price from products;
select * from products; #通配符(*)
select distinct vend_id from products; #distinct 作用于所有列为不仅是前置它的列;
select all vend_id from products;#默认为all,所有记录,可省略;
//limit offset, row_count
select * from products limit 5;
select * from products limit 2,10;
select prod_name from products order by prod_name;
select prod_id, prod_name, prod_price from porducts order by prod_price, prod_name;
select prod_name from products order by prod_price desc; #降序
select prod_name from products order by prod_price asc; #升序,默认可省略
select prod_id, prod_name, prod_price from porducts order by prod_price desc, prod_name asc;
select *
from products
order by prod_price desc
limit 0,10;
#order by子句一定要在from子句之后;limit子句一定要在order by子句之后;
//where 子句操作符
//8种条件操作符:= <> != < <= > >= between
//2中逻辑操作符:and、or、in、(not in)
select prod_name, vend_id from products where prod_price = 2.50; #where子句一般在from子句之后,order by子句之前;
select prod_name, vend_id from products where prod_price between 2.50 and 10.00; #左右都是闭区间
select prod_name, vend_id from products where prod_price is null; #检查空值
select prod_name, vend_id from products where prod_price is not null; #检查非空
select * from products where vend_id=1003 and prod_price < 10; #and子句
select * from products where vend_id=1002 or vend_id=1003; #or子句
//and和or组合使用,运算优先级:and > or
//代码规范:and 和 or组合使用的时候,不管默认计算是不是你想要的,都最好添加括号,增加可读性;
错误示范:select prod_name, prod_price from products where vend_id=1002 or vend_id=1003 and prod_price >= 10;
相当于:select prod_name, prod_price from products where vend_id=1002 or (vend_id=1003 and prod_price >= 10);
参考答案:select prod_name, prod_price from products where (vend_id=1002 or vend_id=1003) and prod_price >= 10;
//in 与 not in
//sql优化:in 好于 or;
select * from products where vend_id in (1002, 1003) order by prod_name; #in 功能上与 or 相似;
select * from products where vend_id=1002 or vend_id=1003 order by prod_name;
select prod_name from products where vend_id in (select distinct vend_id from products where prod_price >= 10) order by prod_name asc; #子查询
select * from products where vend_id not in (1002, 1003) order by prod_name; #not in
//通配符:%:多个字符 _:仅一个字符
select prod_name from products where prod_name like '%lin%'; #首字母就是通配符的,检索效率是最低的;
select prod_name from products where prod_name like '_lin_';
select * from products where prod_name regexp '.000' order by prod_name;
select * from products where prod_name regexp '1000|2000' order by prod_name;
select * from products where prod_name regexp '[123] Ton' order by prod_name;
select * from products where prod_name regexp '\\.' order by prod_name;
select ('hello' regexp '[0-9]'); #返回值0:未匹配 1:匹配
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