Murano Weekly Meeting 2015.11.04


Meeting time:   2015.November.4th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:


1.Tagging Liberty

   PIC:      Kirill Zaitsev

 Desc:  Murano is still in Liberty 1.0.0 version.

      Kirill will try to tag stable branch 1.0.1 in this week,

      and everything seems to be fine with it.


2.Jenkins Gate Changed 

   Desc:   The gate-murano-devstack-dsvm is useless now for muranoclient patches verification, and will be disabled.

      This work should be done in the openstack-infra/project-config project.



3.Open Discussion


        If we need to communicate with external API requests

        which doesn't have specific OpenStack API headers we will encounter some errors.

        New middleware will solve this issue by adding some minimal required headers for the request.

        These are almost about the Murano APIv2, and the integrations with the Glance and App-Catalog.

        This is new project from mirantis.

        It provides App Store functions for Murano package, Heat template and Glance artifact.

        App Store Address:

        Murano has an agreement with the Congress to add Murano test functions to Tempest.

        drop usage of setup.cfg and just use tags everywhere. ex.git.



posted @ 2015-11-04 09:39  Edisonxiang  阅读(128)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报