ASP.NET Core是微软新推出的支持跨平台、高性能、开源的开发框架,它的优势不必多说,因为已经说得太多了。当然,现在依然有着数量庞大的系统运行于.NET Framework上,由于有大量的Break Changes,很多项目项目团队也不敢贸然升级,其中的考量也不全部是技术原因,更多的可能还是业务推进因素。
小编自年前开始考虑升级一套电商系统,原先是基于.NET Framework 4.5的,打算直接升级到.NET Core 3.1,由于系统规模比较庞大,所以一旦开工就是一个漫长的工程,我的博客也在很长时间没有再更新,有点对不起读者了。
.NET Framework中,会有一些常用的封装库,如Session、Cookie和HttpRuntime等,这些变化比较大,所以自己在Startup中启用。
- Session:
- Startup.Configure:
1: app.UseSession(new SessionOptions
2: {
3: Cookie = new CookieBuilder
4: {
6: },
7: IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
8: IOTimeout = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan
9: });
- Startup.ConfigureServices:
1: services.AddSession();
- Startup.ConfigureServices:
- 使用Session,可以通过HttpContext调用:
1: HttpContext.Session.SetString("sessionId", sessionValue);
2: HttpContext.Session.GetString("sessionId");
3: context.Session.Remove("sessionId");
- Cookie:
1: Response.Cookies.Append("User", "1", new CookieOptions()
2: {
3: Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10)
4: });
5: Response.Cookies.Delete("User");
- System.Drawing已经不存在了,我使用的是ZKWeb.System.Drawing,基本上类名、枚举名没变化,只是命名空间Drawing变成了DrawingCore
- 依赖注入部分全部迁移到Startup.ConfigureServices
2、很多的信息都放到了Request.Header[“”]中,如果之前可以用过Request直接点出来的,但是现在点不出来了,可以尝试使用这种方式,说不准会有意外惊喜。另外有一个相关的常量在这里出示一下,使用方式即Request.Header[HeaderNames.Authority],当然Request.HttpMethod 改为了 Request.Method。
1: public static class HeaderNames
2: {
3: public static readonly string Accept;
4: public static readonly string AcceptCharset;
5: public static readonly string AcceptEncoding;
6: public static readonly string AcceptLanguage;
7: public static readonly string AcceptRanges;
8: public static readonly string AccessControlAllowCredentials;
9: public static readonly string AccessControlAllowHeaders;
10: public static readonly string AccessControlAllowMethods;
11: public static readonly string AccessControlAllowOrigin;
12: public static readonly string AccessControlExposeHeaders;
13: public static readonly string AccessControlMaxAge;
14: public static readonly string AccessControlRequestHeaders;
15: public static readonly string AccessControlRequestMethod;
16: public static readonly string Age;
17: public static readonly string Allow;
18: public static readonly string Authority;
19: public static readonly string Authorization;
20: public static readonly string CacheControl;
21: public static readonly string Connection;
22: public static readonly string ContentDisposition;
23: public static readonly string ContentEncoding;
24: public static readonly string ContentLanguage;
25: public static readonly string ContentLength;
26: public static readonly string ContentLocation;
27: public static readonly string ContentMD5;
28: public static readonly string ContentRange;
29: public static readonly string ContentSecurityPolicy;
30: public static readonly string ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly;
31: public static readonly string ContentType;
32: public static readonly string Cookie;
33: public static readonly string CorrelationContext;
34: public static readonly string Date;
35: public static readonly string DNT;
36: public static readonly string ETag;
37: public static readonly string Expect;
38: public static readonly string Expires;
39: public static readonly string From;
40: public static readonly string Host;
41: public static readonly string IfMatch;
42: public static readonly string IfModifiedSince;
43: public static readonly string IfNoneMatch;
44: public static readonly string IfRange;
45: public static readonly string IfUnmodifiedSince;
46: public static readonly string KeepAlive;
47: public static readonly string LastModified;
48: public static readonly string Location;
49: public static readonly string MaxForwards;
50: public static readonly string Method;
51: public static readonly string Origin;
52: public static readonly string Path;
53: public static readonly string Pragma;
54: public static readonly string ProxyAuthenticate;
55: public static readonly string ProxyAuthorization;
56: public static readonly string Range;
57: public static readonly string Referer;
58: public static readonly string RequestId;
59: public static readonly string RetryAfter;
60: public static readonly string Scheme;
61: public static readonly string SecWebSocketAccept;
62: public static readonly string SecWebSocketKey;
63: public static readonly string SecWebSocketProtocol;
64: public static readonly string SecWebSocketVersion;
65: public static readonly string Server;
66: public static readonly string SetCookie;
67: public static readonly string Status;
68: public static readonly string StrictTransportSecurity;
69: public static readonly string TE;
70: public static readonly string TraceParent;
71: public static readonly string TraceState;
72: public static readonly string Trailer;
73: public static readonly string TransferEncoding;
74: public static readonly string Translate;
75: public static readonly string Upgrade;
76: public static readonly string UpgradeInsecureRequests;
77: public static readonly string UserAgent;
78: public static readonly string Vary;
79: public static readonly string Via;
80: public static readonly string Warning;
81: public static readonly string WebSocketSubProtocols;
82: public static readonly string WWWAuthenticate;
83: public static readonly string XFrameOptions;
84: }
1: public static bool IsAjaxRequest(this HttpRequest request)
2: {
3: if (request == null)
4: throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
6: if (request.Headers != null)
7: return request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] == "XMLHttpRequest";
8: return false;
9: }
1: app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
2: {
3: endpoints.MapControllerRoute(
4: name: "default",
5: pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
7: endpoints.MapControllerRoute(
8: name: "areas",
9: pattern: "{area:exists}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"
10: );
11: });
1: /// <summary>
2: /// Returns the combined components of the request URL in a fully un-escaped form (except for the QueryString)
3: /// suitable only for display. This format should not be used in HTTP headers or other HTTP operations.
4: /// </summary>
5: /// <param name="request">The request to assemble the uri pieces from.</param>
6: /// <returns>The combined components of the request URL in a fully un-escaped form (except for the QueryString)
7: /// suitable only for display.</returns>
8: public static string GetDisplayUrl(this HttpRequest request);
10: /// <summary>Returns the relative URI.</summary>
11: /// <param name="request">The request to assemble the uri pieces from.</param>
12: /// <returns>The path and query off of <paramref name="request" />.</returns>
13: public static string GetEncodedPathAndQuery(this HttpRequest request);
15: /// <summary>
16: /// Returns the combined components of the request URL in a fully escaped form suitable for use in HTTP headers
17: /// and other HTTP operations.
18: /// </summary>
19: /// <param name="request">The request to assemble the uri pieces from.</param>
20: /// <returns>The encoded string version of the URL from <paramref name="request" />.</returns>
21: public static string GetEncodedUrl(this HttpRequest request);
之前继承ActionFilterAttribute,现在实现IActionFilter,注册方式为services.AddMvc(o=>o.Filters.Add(new XX())),当然之前的很多过滤器或者Controller基类方法已经不存在了,如Controller OnAuthentication。
IResultFilter中的OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)需要通过filterContext.Controller as Controller来获取默认的Controller。
1: public static IHtmlContent XXX(this IHtmlHelper _html, string xxxxx)
2: {
3: //your code
4: return new HtmlString(html.ToString());
5: }
2、Ajax.BeginForm换成了<form asp-controller="DistributorGrade" asp-action="Save" id="addform" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="post" data-ajax-begin="begin" data-ajax-success="success">。当前.NET Core 依然支持Html.BeginForm,不过我建议大家有时间的时候都替换一下,具体请参考下一条。
3、第2条出现的asp-action等是通过Razor Tag Helpers来实现的,很多的自定义需要加入到_ViewImports.cshtml,当然一些引用也可以统一放到这里,如@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing,这样就可以在当前的Area中作为全局引用了。
Razor Tag Help是一个十分重要的功能,它使得.NET Core MVC的开发更像是在写Html语言,更加的清晰,更加具有生产力。
如@Html.TextBoxFor()可以用通过<input asp-for=””/>替换,以下图片摘自MSDN:
Framework MVC的写法
Core MVC的写法
一些Tag Help集锦:
Built-in ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers
1: public class XXXXViewComponent : ViewComponent
2: {
3: public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
4: {
5: return this.View("");
6: }
7: }
调用方式是await Component.InvokeAsync(“XXXXViewComponent“),详情请点击链接
5、@MvcHtmlString.Create()可以使用new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString()取代
7、之前通过@helper 定义页面的函数,这个已经被去掉了,现在可以通过@functions来取代
限于篇幅,先总结这么多,系统尚未完全结束,不过升级到.NET Core是一个非常棒的过程,可以更好地体验.NET Core的强大。如果小伙伴在升级过程中也遇到了很多问题,希望这篇文章可以给大家一些帮助,另外我没有写到的,大家可以留个言,我统一收集一下。
作者: 艾心
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