CS294-112 深度强化学习 秋季学期(伯克利)NO.1 Introduction NO.2 Supervised learning and imitation






























































  neural network control a virtual robot, by imitating human motion






Domain shift cause the failure of supervised learning in imitation learning.








human expert said "turn left!!!" (step 3)




























we don't want the average of the two expected behaviors. when the actions are discrete, the model works well.


  however, this is the gaussian output of continuous actions















add a noise input here.

the defect is implicit density model is harder to train.

recommend to look at VAE and GAN and stan??? variational gradient descent, which are three methods to train implicit density models

upside: capable to mimic any form of function

downside: much more complex to implement




the second net is conditionally sampling from the first net








 It's time for case study



































this is a human with three go-pro on his head...














































robot: 300 bucks

game control: 100 bucks




















 c for cost

r for reward (the negative of cost)





 you know there maybe a little bit culture differences here. so like americans like to believe life is for reward, but maybe russians behavior more pessimistically. 






















  reinforcement learning in CS is exactly the same as optimal control in dynamic programming

posted @ 2018-05-24 16:43  ecoflex  阅读(1058)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报