[ML] {ud120} Lesson 4: Decision Trees

Linearly Separable Data






 Multiple Linear Questions








Constructing a Decision Tree First Split 





 Coding A Decision Tree










 Decision Tree Parameters





 Data Impurity and Entropy





 Formula of Entropy



There is an error in the formula in the entropy written on this slide. There should be a negative (-) sign preceding the sum:

Entropy = - \sum_i (p_i) \log_2 (p_i)i(pi)log2(pi)






IG = 1




 Tuning Criterion Parameter


gini is another measurement of purity




Decision Tree Mini-Project


In this project, we will again try to identify the authors in a body of emails, this time using a decision tree. The starter code is in decision_tree/dt_author_id.py.

Get the data for this mini project from here.

Once again, you'll do the mini-project on your own computer and enter your answers in the web browser. You can find the instructions for the decision tree mini-project here.


posted @ 2019-06-07 10:37  ecoflex  阅读(203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报