[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 4: 04 - Generate & Test

Optional reading: Winston Chapter 3, pp. 47-50





knowledge representation, problem solving (going to be discussed) , architectures











 Dumb Generators, Dumb Testers

the number of branches exploding

 but generate and test is still a great and universal way to solve problems




 Smart Testers


remove the trivial results

merge the identical results




 Smart Generators







 Assignment: Generate & Test


Generate & Test: Winston Chapter 3, pp. 47-50 can be found at:http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.034f/ai3/rest.pdf









Human use generate and test as the problem-solving method all the time.

(comment: similar to bayesian neural network that is based on sampling??? optimization without gradient??? or like GAN, generate and discriminate???) 

 This is because we dont have complete or correct knowledge of the world. We dont have infinite computational resources.

And we also dont always have recourse to a method of reasoning


posted @ 2019-06-05 21:42  ecoflex  阅读(161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报