[Software Development Process] {ud805} excerpt



What is software engineering?

Why do we need it?



Importance of Software Engineering








 Evidence of the Software Crisis

 You can access the proceedings of the NATO Software Engineering Conferences, and other related information, here.






 Software Development






Software Process 


RUP => rational unified process

 USP => unified software process





writing code is not the only activity that you have to perform




Software Phases 




 Tools of the Trade





















To take a look at both the IEEE versions and light-weight versions of these documents, visit this link.

Important note: You will be linked to the documents page again when it is time to start working on the first project. Please wait to download the documents until then, as we might slightly modify them when we start the first project.




The projects for this course may require some form of the following 5 documents. Important: please refer to T-Square for details about which exact documents to submit and possibly updated version of the templates.

  • Process Plan
  • Requirements Document
  • Design Document
  • Test Plan
  • Process Assessment Document

For each document, we will provide the template we would like you to use, as well as the more formal and complete IEEE version of the document (for all but the assessment document).  You are only required to fill out the sections listed in the template we give you, but it may be useful to look at the more detailed one for more insight into what the various sections are for, and you are welcome to add additional sections if you wish.

Process Plan

Requirements Document

Design Document

Test Plan







For additional information, check out Classic Mistakes Enumerated, by Steve McConnell.




































linux kernel => standarized linux kernel with some Google's customizations => interatc with hardware






activity is a class

an independent activity can be used by another application






 service is an application component that performs a long running operation in the background, and not interacts with users (no UI)

eg. music background playing/ download service 




database: SQLite






event driven





allow binding of apps at runtime





information: permission, entry activity, version, lowest android sdk























alpha testing => performed by distributing a software system ready to be released to a set of colleagues inside the organization 

beta testing => a selected subset of users outside the organization

















posted @ 2019-06-05 10:46  ecoflex  阅读(304)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报