2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 2} [Directed GMs: Bayesian Networks]









 P(sequence) given both dices are fair










             x2    →    x4

      ↗                             ↘

 x1                                        x5

      ↘                     ↗



P(x5) = P(X1) P(X2|X1)  P(X3|X1)  P(X4|X2) P(X5|X3,X4)







Directed Acyclic Graphical (DAG)






Wrong: I(g) = {A ⊥ C | B} 




A,B,C has 2^N * 2^N * 2^N ($2^(N^3)$) combinations of graph.


I(G) \subset I(P)


G0's I-map: I(G_0) = {X⊥Y}

G1's I-map: I(G_1) = \O

G2's I-map: I(G_2) = \o










 ... More examples








Explanation of I-map in a Markov/Bayesian network







(a) satisfies





BN: Bayesian Network

CPD: conditional probability distribution 










\theta_1 and \theta_k are outside of the box






posted @ 2019-01-05 15:11  ecoflex  阅读(124)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报