

MA国赛 paper (excerpt 1 )

Project title

Win-win Cooperation: Building Cross-Region Agricultural Industry-University-Research Cooperation Area

Proposing APEC economy


Co-sponsoring Economies

People’s Republic of China, Singapore, The Philippines

Expected start date


Expected completion date

The pilot cities’ related construction will have a standard project completion date (PCD) of 31 December 2026. The Policy Services construction will have a standard PCD of 31 December 2027.

Project Summary

  This proposed project is focused on cross-region agricultural research and development to address the issues on disaster risk reduction, plant pests and diseases, land degradation and biodiversity challenge, achieving win-win cooperation between the advanced economies and underdeveloped ones.


  To be implemented over a period of 8 years in Java Island, an economically, politically and culturally developed region in Indonesia, the Project will focus on building agricultural cooperation areas which are intended to exert the advantage in industry-university-research (IUR) collaboration of the advanced economies together with the geographical and social conditions in the underdeveloped economy.


  How to establish the Cooperation Area?

Point: pilot cities; associated labs and research centers;

Line: an IUR (industry-university-research) line;

Plane: sites with high research value and great convenience for policy services (core area site selection: Java Island);




posted on 2022-10-04 23:11  Echowho  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报