第1章 面向ArcGIS的Python编程语言的基础
- 略
第2章 管理地图文档和图层
- 引用当前的地图文档
- 引用磁盘上的地图文档
- 获取地图文档的图层列表
- 限制图层列表
- 缩放至所选要素
- 改变地图范围
- 添加图层到地图文档
- 插入图层到地图文档
- 更新图层的符号系统
- 更新图层属性
- 操作数据框中的启用时间的图层
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") # 引用当前活动的地图文档 print(mxd.title) mxd.title = "Copy of Crime Project" mxd.saveACopy("c:/ArcpyBook/Ch2/crime_copy.mxd")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("c:/ArcpyBook/Ch2/crime_copy.mxd") print(mxd.title)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") layers = mapping.ListLayers(mxd) for lyr in layers: print(lyr.name)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if (df.name == 'Crime'): layers = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Burg*",df) for layer in layers: print(layer.name)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"Crime")[0] layer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Burglaries*",df)[0] df.extent = layer.getSelectedExtent()
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if (df.name == 'Crime'): layers = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,'Crime Density by School District',df) for layer in layers: query = '"NAME" = \'Lackland ISD\'' layer.definitionQuery = query df.extent = layer.getExtent()
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0] layer = mapping.Layer(r"C:\ArcpyBook\data\School_Districts.lyr") mapping.AddLayer(df,layer,"AUTO_ARRANGE")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0] refLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Burglaries*", df)[0] insertLayer = mapping.Layer(r"C:\ArcpyBook\data\CityOfSanAntonio.gdb\Crimes2009") mapping.InsertLayer(df,refLayer,insertLayer,"BEFORE")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0] updateLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Crime Density by School District",df)[0] sourceLayer = mapping.Layer(r"C:\ArcpyBook\data\CrimeDensityGradSym.lyr") mapping.UpdateLayer(df,updateLayer,sourceLayer,True)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0] updateLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Crimes2009",df)[0] sourceLayer = mapping.Layer(r"C:\ArcpyBook\data\BurglariesNoForcedEntry.lyr") mapping.UpdateLayer(df,updateLayer,sourceLayer,False)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping, os mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0] dft = df.time dft.currentTime = dft.startTime while dft.currentTime <= dft.endTime: fileName = str(dft.currentTime).split(" ")[0] + ".pdf" mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd,os.path.join(r"C:\ArcpyBook\Ch2", fileName)) print("Exported " + fileName) dft.currentTime = dft.currentTime + dft.timeStepInterval
第3章 查找和修复丢失的数据链接
- 查找地图文档和图层文件中丢失的数据源
- 使用MapDocument.findAndReplaceWorkspacePaths()方法修复丢失的数据源
- 使用MapDocument.replaceWorkspaces()方法修复对视的数据源
- 使用replaceDataSource()方法修复单个图层和表对象
- 查找文件夹中所有地图文档内丢失的数据源
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_BrokenDataLinks.mxd") listBrokenDS = mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd) for layer in listBrokenDS: print(layer.name)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_BrokenDataLinks.mxd") mxd.findAndReplaceWorkspacePaths(r"C:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Data\OldData\CityOfSanAntonio.gdb", r"C:\ArcpyBook\Data\CityOfSanAntonio.gdb") mxd.saveACopy(r"C:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_DataLinksFixed.mxd")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_DataLinksFixed.mxd") mxd.replaceWorkspaces(r"c:\ArcpyBook\data\CityOfSanAntonio.gdb", "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE",r"c:\ArcpyBook\new_data\CityOfSanAntonio_Personal.mdb","ACCESS_WORKSPACE") mxd.saveACopy(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_DataLinksUpdated.mxd")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_DataLinksLayer.mxd") df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"Crime")[0] lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Burglary",df)[0] lyr.replaceDataSource(r"c:\ArcpyBook\data","SHAPEFILE_WORKSPACE","Burglaries_2009") mxd.saveACopy(r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch3\Crime_DataLinksNewLayer.mxd")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping, os f = open('BrokenDataList.txt', 'w') for root, dirs, files in os.walk("c:\ArcpyBook"): for name in files: filename = os.path.join(root, name) if ".mxd" in filename: mxd = mapping.MapDocument(filename) f.write("MXD: " + filename + "\n") brknList = mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd) for brknItem in brknList: print("Broken data item: " + brknItem.name + " in " + filename) f.write("\t" + brknItem.name + "\n") print("All done") f.close()
第4章 自动化地图制图和打印
- 创建布局元素的python列表
- 为布局元素指定唯一的名称
- 使用ListLayoutElements()函数限制返回的布局元素
- 更新布局元素的属性
- 获取可用打印机的列表
- 使用PrintMap()函数打印地图
- 导出地图为PDF文件
- 导出地图为图像文件
- 导出报表
- 使用数据驱动页面和ArcPy制图模块构建地图册
- 将地图文档发布为ArcGIS Server服务
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for el in mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd): if el.name != "": print el.name
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for el in mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd,"LEGEND_ELEMENT","*Crime*"): print el.name
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") elLeg = mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "LEGEND_ELEMENT","*Crime*")[0] elLeg.title = "Crimes by School District" for item in elLeg.listLegendItemLayers(): print item.name
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for printerName in mapping.ListPrinterNames(): print printerName
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if df.name == "Test_Performance": mapping.PrintMap(mxd,"",df)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd,r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch4\Map_PageLayout.pdf")
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if df.name == "Crime": df.referenceScale = df.scale mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd,r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch4\DataFrameCrime.pdf",df)
import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): if df.name == "Crime": mapping.ExportToJPEG(mxd,r"c:\ArcpyBook\Ch4\DataFrameCrime.jpg",df)
import arcpy import os path = os.getcwd() #Create PDF and remove if it already exists pdfPath = path + r"\CrimeReport.pdf" if os.path.exists(pdfPath): os.remove(pdfPath) pdfDoc = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentCreate(pdfPath) districtList = ["Harlandale", "East Central", "Edgewood", "Alamo Heights", "South San Antonio", "Southside", "Ft Sam Houston","North East", "Northside", "Lackland", "Southwest", "Judson", "San Antonio"] mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(path + r"\Crime_Ch4.mxd") df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0] lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Crime Density by School District")[0] pageCount = 1 for district in districtList: #Generate image for each district whereClause = "\"NAME\" = '" + district + " ISD'" lyr.definitionQuery = whereClause arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "NEW_SELECTION", whereClause) df.extent = lyr.getSelectedExtent() arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "CLEAR_SELECTION") arcpy.mapping.ExportToBMP(mxd, path + "\DistrictPicture.bmp", df) #single file #Generate report print("Generating report for: " + district + " ISD") arcpy.mapping.ExportReport(report_source=lyr,report_layout_file=path + r"\CrimeLayout.rlf",output_file=path + r"\temp" + str(pageCount) + ".pdf", starting_page_number=pageCount) #Append pages into final output print("Appending page: " + str(pageCount)) pdfDoc.appendPages(path + r"\temp" + str(pageCount) + ".pdf") os.remove(path + r"\temp" + str(pageCount) + ".pdf") pageCount = pageCount + 1 pdfDoc.saveAndClose() del mxd
import arcpy import os # Create an output directory variable outDir = r"C:\ArcpyBook\Ch4" # Create a new, empty pdf document in the specified output directory finalpdf_filename = outDir + r"\MapBook.pdf" if os.path.exists(finalpdf_filename): os.remove(finalpdf_filename) finalPdf = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentCreate(finalpdf_filename) # Add the title page to the pdf print("Adding the title page \n") finalPdf.appendPages(outDir + r"\TitlePage.pdf") # Add the index map to the pdf print "Adding the index page \n" finalPdf.appendPages(outDir + r"\MapIndex.pdf") # Export the Data Driven Pages to a temporary pdf and then add it to the # final pdf. Alternately, if your Data Driven Pages have already been # exported, simply append that document to the final pdf. mxdPath = outDir + r"\Topographic.mxd" mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath) print("Creating the data driven pages \n") ddp = mxd.dataDrivenPages temp_filename = outDir + r"\tempDDP.pdf" if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename) ddp.exportToPDF(temp_filename, "ALL") print("Appending the map series \n") finalPdf.appendPages(temp_filename) # Update the properties of the final pdf finalPdf.updateDocProperties(pdf_open_view="USE_THUMBS", pdf_layout="SINGLE_PAGE") # Save your result finalPdf.saveAndClose() # remove the temporary data driven pages file if os.path.exists(temp_filename): print("Removing the temporary map series file") os.remove(temp_filename) # Delete variables #del finalPdf, mxd, ddp
将地图文档发布为ArcGIS Server服务4.12-102
import arcpy.mapping as mapping wrkspc = r'c:\ArcpyBook\ch4' mxd = mapping.MapDocument(wrkspc + r"\Crime.mxd") service = 'Crime' sddraft = wrkspc + service + '.sddraft' mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(mxd, sddraft, service) analysis = mapping.AnalyzeForSD(wrkspc + "Crime.sddraft") for key in ('messages', 'warnings', 'errors'): print("----" + key.upper() + "----") vars = analysis[key] for ((message, code), layerlist) in vars.iteritems(): print " ", message, " (CODE %i)" % code print(" applies to:") for layer in layerlist: print(layer.name)
第5章 使用脚本执行地理处理工具
import arcpy in_features = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb/Burglary" clip_features = "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch5/EdgewoodSD.shp" out_feature_class = "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch5/ClpBurglary.shp" arcpy.Clip_analysis(in_features,clip_features,out_feature_class)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/TravisCounty" try: # Buffer areas of impact around major roads streams = "Streams.shp" streamsBuffer = "StreamsBuffer" distance = "2640 Feet" schools2mile = "Schools.shp" schoolsLyrFile = 'Schools2Mile_lyr' arcpy.Buffer_analysis(streams, streamsBuffer, distance,'FULL','ROUND','ALL') # Make a layer arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(schools2mile, schoolsLyrFile) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(schoolsLyrFile, 'intersect', streamsBuffer) except Exception as e: print e.message
第6章 创建自定义地理处理工具
#Script to Import data to a feature class within a geodatabase import arcpy, os try: outputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) fClassTemplate = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) f = open(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2),'r') arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(os.path.split(outputFC)[0], os.path.split(outputFC)[1],"point",fClassTemplate) lstFires = f.readlines() with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outputFC) as cur: cntr = 1 for fire in lstFires: if 'Latitude' in fire: continue vals = fire.split(",") latitude = float(vals[0]) longitude = float(vals[1]) confid = int(vals[2]) pnt = arcpy.Point(longitude, latitude) feat = cur.newRow() feat.shape = pnt feat.setValue("CONFIDENCEVALUE", confid) cur.insertRow(feat) arcpy.AddMessage("Record number" + str(cntr) + "written to feature class") cntr = cntr + 1 except: print arcpy.GetMessages() finally: f.close()
import arcpy import requests import json class Toolbox(object): def __init__(self): """Define the toolbox (the name of the toolbox is the name of the .pyt file).""" self.label = "Toolbox" self.alias = "" # List of tool classes associated with this toolbox self.tools = [USGSDownload] class USGSDownload(object): def __init__(self): """Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class).""" self.label = "USGS Download" self.description = "Download from USGS ArcGIS Server instance" self.canRunInBackground = False def getParameterInfo(self): """Define parameter definitions""" # First parameter param0 = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="ArcGIS Server Wildfire URL", name="url", datatype="GPString", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") param0.value = "http://wildfire.cr.usgs.gov/arcgis/rest/services/geomac_dyn/MapServer/0/query" # Second parameter param1 = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Output Feature Class", name="out_fc", datatype="DEFeatureClass", parameterType="Required", direction="Input") params = [param0, param1] return params def isLicensed(self): """Set whether tool is licensed to execute.""" return True def updateParameters(self, parameters): """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter has been changed.""" return def updateMessages(self, parameters): """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" return def execute(self, parameters, messages): inFeatures = parameters[0].valueAsText outFeatureClass = parameters[1].valueAsText agisurl = inFeatures payload = { 'where': 'acres > 5','f': 'pjson', 'outFields': 'latitude,longitude,fire_name,acres'} r = requests.get(inFeatures, params=payload) decoded = json.loads(r.text) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outFeatureClass, ("SHAPE@XY", "NAME", "ACRES")) as cur: cntr = 1 for rslt in decoded['features']: fireName = rslt['attributes']['fire_name'] latitude = rslt['attributes']['latitude'] longitude = rslt['attributes']['longitude'] acres = rslt['attributes']['acres'] cur.insertRow([(longitude,latitude),fireName, acres]) arcpy.AddMessage("Record number: " + str(cntr) + " written to feature class") cntr = cntr + 1
第7章 查询和选择数据
- 构造正确的属性查询语句
- 创建要素图层和表现层
- 使用Select Layer by Attribute 工具选择要素和行
- 使用Select Layer by Location 工具选择要素
- 结合空间查询和属性选择要素
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: tView = arcpy.MakeTableView_management("Crime2009Table","Crime2009TView") except Exception as e: print e.message
使用Select Layer by Attribute 工具选择要素和行7.4-158
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: qry = '"SVCAREA" = \'North\'' flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Burglary","Burglary_Layer") arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(flayer, "NEW_SELECTION", qry) cnt = arcpy.GetCount_management(flayer) print "The number of selected records is: " + str(cnt) except Exception as e: print e.message
使用Select Layer by Location 工具选择要素7.5-161
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Burglary","Burglary_Layer") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(flayer, "COMPLETELY_WITHIN", "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch7/EdgewoodSD.shp") cnt = arcpy.GetCount_management(flayer) print("The number of selected records is: " + str(cnt)) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Burglary","Burglary_Layer") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management (flayer, "WITHIN_A_DISTANCE", "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch7/EdgewoodSD.shp","1 MILES") cnt = arcpy.GetCount_management(flayer) print("The number of selected records is: " + str(cnt)) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Burglary","Burglary_Layer") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management (flayer, "WITHIN_A_DISTANCE", "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch7/EdgewoodSD.shp","1 MILES") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(flayer, "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch7/EdgewoodBurglaries.shp") ##cnt = arcpy.GetCount_management(flayer) ##print "The number of selected records is: " + str(cnt) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: qry = '"DOW" = \'Mon\'' flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("Burglary","Burglary_Layer") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management (flayer, "COMPLETELY_WITHIN", "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch7/EdgewoodSD.shp") arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(flayer, "SUBSET_SELECTION", qry) cnt = arcpy.GetCount_management(flayer) print("The total number of selected records is: " + str(cnt)) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
第8章 在要素类和表中使用ArcPy数据访问模块
- 使用SearchCursor检索要素类中的要素
- 使用where字句筛选记录
- 使用几何令爱改进游标性能
- 使用InsertCursor插入行
- 使用UpdateCursor更新行
- 使用UpdateCursor删除行
- 在编辑会话中插入和更新行
- 读取要素类中的几何信息
- 使用Walk()遍历目录
import arcpy.da arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch8" with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Schools.shp",("Facility","Name")) as cursor: for row in sorted(cursor): print("High school name: " + row[1])
import arcpy.da arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch8" with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Schools.shp",("Facility","Name"), '"FACILITY" = \'HIGH SCHOOL\'') as cursor: for row in sorted(cursor): print("School name: " + row[1])
import arcpy.da import time arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/Ch8" start = time.clock() with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("coa_parcels.shp",("PY_FULL_OW","SHAPE@XY")) as cursor: for row in cursor: print("Parcel owner: {0} has a location of: {1}".format(row[0], row[1])) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) print("Execution time: " + str(elapsed))
import arcpy import os arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/WildlandFires.mdb" f = open("C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/NorthAmericaWildfires_2007275.txt","r") lstFires = f.readlines() try: with arcpy.da.InsertCursor("FireIncidents",("SHAPE@XY","CONFIDENCEVALUE")) as cur: cntr = 1 for fire in lstFires: if 'Latitude' in fire: continue vals = fire.split(",") latitude = float(vals[0]) longitude = float(vals[1]) confid = int(vals[2]) rowValue = [(latitude,longitude),confid] cur.insertRow(rowValue) print("Record number " + str(cntr) + " written to feature class") cntr = cntr + 1 except Exception as e: print(e.message) finally: f.close()
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/WildlandFires.mdb" try: #create a new field to hold the values arcpy.AddField_management("FireIncidents","CONFID_RATING","TEXT","10") print("CONFID_RATING field added to FireIncidents") with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("FireIncidents",("CONFIDENCEVALUE","CONFID_RATING")) as cursor: cntr = 1 for row in cursor: # update the confid_rating field if row[0] <= 40: row[1] = 'POOR' elif row[0] > 40 and row[0] <= 60: row[1] = 'FAIR' elif row[0] > 60 and row[0] <= 85: row[1] = 'GOOD' else: row[1] = 'EXCELLENT' cursor.updateRow(row) print("Record number " + str(cntr) + " updated") cntr = cntr + 1 except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy import os arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/WildlandFires.mdb" try: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("FireIncidents",("CONFID_RATING"),'[CONFID_RATING] = \'POOR\'') as cursor: cntr = 1 for row in cursor: cursor.deleteRow() print("Record number " + str(cntr) + " deleted") cntr = cntr + 1 except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy import os arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/WildlandFires.mdb" try: edit = arcpy.da.Editor('C:/ArcpyBook/Ch8/WildfireData/WildlandFires.mdb') edit.startEditing(True) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("FireIncidents",("CONFIDENCEVALUE","CONFID_RATING")) as cursor: cntr = 1 for row in cursor: # update the confid_rating field if row[0] > 40 and row[0] <= 60: row[1] = 'GOOD' elif row[0] > 60 and row[0] <= 85: row[1] = 'BETTER' else: row[1] = 'BEST' cursor.updateRow(row) print("Record number " + str(cntr) + " updated") cntr = cntr + 1 edit.stopEditing(True) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy infc = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb/SchoolDistricts" # Enter for loop for each feature for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(infc, ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]): # Print the current multipoint's ID print("Feature {0}:".format(row[0])) partnum = 0 # Step through each part of the feature # for part in row[1]: # Print the part number # print("Part {0}:".format(partnum)) # Step through each vertex in the feature # for pnt in part: if pnt: # Print x,y coordinates of current point # print("{0}, {1}".format(pnt.X, pnt.Y)) else: # If pnt is None, this represents an interior ring # print("Interior Ring:") partnum += 1
import arcpy.da as da import os print("os walk") for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for filename in filenames: print(filename) print("arcpy da walk") for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in da.Walk(os.getcwd(),datatype="FeatureClass"): for filename in filenames: print(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
第9章 获取GIS数据的列表和描述
- 使用ArcPy列表函数
- 获取要素类或表中的字段列表
- 使用Describe()函数返回要素类的描述性信息
- 使用Describe()函数返回栅格图像的描述性信息
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in fcList: print(fc)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("C*") for fc in fcList: print(fc)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("C*","polygon") for fc in fcList: print(fc)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: fieldList = arcpy.ListFields("Burglary") for fld in fieldList: print("%s is a type of %s with a length of %i" % (fld.name, fld.type, fld.length)) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: descFC = arcpy.Describe("Burglary") print("The shape type is: " + descFC.ShapeType) flds = descFC.fields for fld in flds: print("Field: " + fld.name) print("Type: " + fld.type) print("Length: " + str(fld.length)) ext = descFC.extent print("XMin: %f" % (ext.XMin)) print("YMin: %f" % (ext.YMin)) print("XMax: %f" % (ext.XMax)) print("YMax: %f" % (ext.YMax)) except: print(arcpy.GetMessages())
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" try: descRaster = arcpy.Describe("AUSTIN_EAST_NW.sid") ext = descRaster.extent print("XMin: %f" % (ext.XMin)) print("YMin: %f" % (ext.YMin)) print("XMax: %f" % (ext.XMax)) print("YMax: %f" % (ext.YMax)) sr = descRaster.SpatialReference print(sr.name) print(sr.type) except Exception as e: print e.message
第10章 使用Add-in定制ArcGIS界面
- 下载并安装Python Add-in Wizard
- 创建按钮加载项和使用Python加载项模块
- 安装和测试加载项
- 创建工具加载项
下载并安装Python Add-in Wizard10.2-212
import arcpy import pythonaddins class ButtonClassImportWildfires(object): """Implementation for Wildfire_addin.button (Button)""" def __init__(self): self.enabled = True self.checked = False def onClick(self): layer_files = pythonaddins.OpenDialog('Select Layers to Add', True, r'C:\ArcpyBook\data\Wildfires', 'Add') mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('current') df = pythonaddins.GetSelectedTOCLayerOrDataFrame() if not isinstance(df, arcpy.mapping.Layer): for layer_file in layer_files: layer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(layer_file) arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, layer) else: pythonaddins.MessageBox('Select a data frame', 'INFO', 0)
import arcpy import pythonaddins def __init__(self): self.enabled = True self.cursor = 3 self.shape = 'Rectangle' def onRectangle(self, rectangle_geometry): extent = rectangle_geometry arcpy.env.workspace = r'c:\ArcpyBook\Ch10' if arcpy.Exists('randompts.shp'): arcpy.Delete_management('randompts.shp') randompts = arcpy.CreateRandomPoints_management(arcpy.env.workspace,'randompts.shp',"",rectangle_geometry) arcpy.RefreshActiveView() return randompts
第11章 异常识别和错误处理
- 默认的Python错误消息
- 添加Python异常处理结构(try/except/else)
- 使用GetMessages()函数获取工具消息
- 根据严重性级别筛选工具消息
- 测试和响应特定的错误消息
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp","Streams_Buff.shp")
import arcpy try: arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp","Streams_Buff.shp") except: print("Error")
import arcpy try: arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp","Streams_Buff.shp") except: print(arcpy.GetMessages())
import arcpy try: arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp","Streams_Buff.shp") except: print(arcpy.GetMessages(2))
import arcpy try: arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/ArcpyBook/data" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp", "Streams_Buff.shp") except: print("Error found in Buffer tool \n") errCode = arcpy.GetReturnCode(3) if str(errCode) == "735": print("Distance value not provided \n") print("Running the buffer again with a default value \n") defaultDistance = "100 Feet" arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams.shp", "Streams_Buff", defaultDistance) print("Buffer complete")
第12章 使用Python实现ArcGIS的高级功能
- 使用Python构建HTTP请求并解析响应
- 使用ArcGIS REST API和Python获取图层信息
- 使用ArcGIS REST API和Python导出地图
- 使用ArcGIS REST API和Python查询地图服务
- 使用ESRI World Geocoding Service镜像地理编码
- 使用FieldMap和FieldMappings
- 使用ValueTable将多值输入到工具中
ArcGIS REST API入门12.2-245
import requests import json agisurl = "http://server.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services?f=pjson" r = requests.get(agisurl) decoded = json.loads(r.text) print(decoded) #print(r.text)
使用ArcGIS REST API和Python获取图层信息12.4-254
import requests import json agisurl = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/1" payload = { 'where': 'STATE_FIPS = \'48\' and CNTY_FIPS = \'021\'','returnCountyOnly': 'false', 'returnIdsOnly': 'false', 'returnGeometry': 'false', 'f': 'pjson'} r = requests.get(agisurl, params=payload) #r = requests.get(agisurl) #print(r.text) decoded = json.loads(r.text) print("The layer name is: " + decoded['name']) print("The xmin: " + str(decoded['extent']['xmin'])) print("The xmax: " + str(decoded['extent']['xmax'])) print("The ymin: " + str(decoded['extent']['ymin'])) print("The ymax: " + str(decoded['extent']['xmax'])) print("The fields in this layer: ") for rslt in decoded['fields']: print(rslt['name'])
使用ArcGIS REST API和Python导出地图12.5-257
import requests import json agisurl = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Specialty/ESRI_StateCityHighway_USA/MapServer/export" payload = { 'bbox': '-115.8,30.4,-85.5,50.5','size': '800,600', \ 'imageSR': '102004', 'format': 'gif', 'transparent':'false', \ 'f': 'pjson'} r = requests.get(agisurl, params=payload) print(r.text)
使用ArcGIS REST API和Python查询地图服务12.6-260
import requests import json agisurl = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Demographics/ESRI_Census_USA/MapServer/1/query" payload = { 'where': 'STATE_FIPS = \'48\' and CNTY_FIPS = \'021\'','returnCountyOnly': 'false', 'returnIdsOnly': 'false', 'returnGeometry': 'false', 'outFields':'POP2000,POP2007,BLKGRP', 'f': 'pjson'} r = requests.get(agisurl, params=payload) #print(r.text) decoded = json.loads(r.text) #print(decoded) for rslt in decoded['features']: print("Block Group: " + str(rslt['attributes']['BLKGRP'])) print("Population 2000: " + str(rslt['attributes']['POP2000'])) print("Population 2007: " + str(rslt['attributes']['POP2007']))
使用ESRI World Geocoding Service镜像地理编码12.7-264
import requests import json agisurl = "http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/find" payload = { 'text': '1202 Sand Wedge, San Antonio, TX, 78258', 'f': 'pjson'} r = requests.get(agisurl, params=payload) decoded = json.loads(r.text) print("The geocoded address: " + decoded['locations'][0]['name']) print("The longitude: " + str(decoded['locations'][0]['feature']['geometry']['x'])) print("The latitude: " + str(decoded['locations'][0]['feature']['geometry']['y'])) print("The geocode score: " + str(decoded['locations'][0]['feature']['attributes']['Score'])) print("The address type: " + decoded['locations'][0]['feature']['attributes']['Addr_Type'])
import arcpy try: # Local variables arcpy.env.workspace = r"c:\ArcpyBook\data" outFeatureClass = r"c:\ArcpyBook\data\AllTracts.shp" # Create a fieldmappings adding the three new fields fieldmappings = arcpy.FieldMappings() fldmap_STFIPS = arcpy.FieldMap() fldmap_COFIPS = arcpy.FieldMap() fldmap_TRACT = arcpy.FieldMap() # List all feature classes that start with 'County' and type Polygon fclss = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("County*", "Polygon") # Create a value table with the FC to merge vTab = arcpy.ValueTable() for fc in fclss: fieldmappings.addTable(fc) fldmap_STFIPS.addInputField(fc, "STFID") fldmap_COFIPS.addInputField(fc, "STFID") fldmap_TRACT.addInputField(fc, "STFID") vTab.addRow(fc) # Set Starting and ending point from the input as well as the name of the output fields # STFIPS field for x in range(0, fldmap_STFIPS.inputFieldCount): fldmap_STFIPS.setStartTextPosition(x, 0) fldmap_STFIPS.setEndTextPosition(x, 1) fld_STFIPS = fldmap_STFIPS.outputField fld_STFIPS.name = "STFIPS" fldmap_STFIPS.outputField = fld_STFIPS # COFIPS field for x in range(0, fldmap_COFIPS.inputFieldCount): fldmap_COFIPS.setStartTextPosition(x, 2) fldmap_COFIPS.setEndTextPosition(x, 4) fld_COFIPS = fldmap_COFIPS.outputField fld_COFIPS.name = "COFIPS" fldmap_COFIPS.outputField = fld_COFIPS # TRACT field for x in range(0, fldmap_TRACT.inputFieldCount): fldmap_TRACT.setStartTextPosition(x, 5) fldmap_TRACT.setEndTextPosition(x, 12) fld_TRACT = fldmap_TRACT.outputField fld_TRACT.name = "TRACT" fldmap_TRACT.outputField = fld_TRACT # Add fieldmaps into the fieldmappings object fieldmappings.addFieldMap(fldmap_STFIPS) fieldmappings.addFieldMap(fldmap_COFIPS) fieldmappings.addFieldMap(fldmap_TRACT) # Run the merge tool arcpy.Merge_management(vTab, outFeatureClass, fieldmappings) print("Merge completed") except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy try: arcpy.env.workspace = r'c:\ArcpyBook\data' vTab = arcpy.ValueTable() vTab.setRow (0, "5") vTab.setRow (1, "10") vTab.setRow (2, "20") inFeature = 'Hospitals.shp' outFeature = 'HospitalMBuff.shp' dist = vTab bufferUnit = "meters" arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(inFeature,outFeature,dist,bufferUnit, '', 'ALL') print("Multi-Ring Buffer Complete") except Exception as e: print(e.message)
附录A 自动化Python脚本
- 在命令行中运行Python脚本
- 使用sys.argv[]捕获命令行的输入
- 添加Python脚本到批处理文件
- 在规定的时间运行批处理文件
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/ArcpyBook/data/CityOfSanAntonio.gdb" try: fieldList = arcpy.ListFields("Burglary") for fld in fieldList: print "%s is a type of %s with a length of %i" % (fld.name, fld.type, fld.length) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
import arcpy import sys wkspace = sys.argv[1] fc = sys.argv[2] try: arcpy.env.workspace = wkspace fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc) for fld in fields: print(fld.name) except Exception as e: print(e.message)
cd c:\ArcpyBook\Appendix1 python ListFields.py c:\ArcpyBook\data Burglaries_2009.shp
附录B GIS程序员不可不知的5个Python功能
- 读取带分隔符的文本文件
- 发送电子邮件
- 检索FTP服务中的文件
- 创建ZIP文件
- 读取XML文件
f = open('c:/ArcpyBook/data/N_America.A2007275.txt','r') for fire in f: lstValues = fire.split(',') latitude = float(lstValues[0]) longitude = float(lstValues[1]) confid = int(lstValues[8]) print("The latitude is: " + str(latitude) + " The longitude is: " + str(longitude) + " The confidence value is: " + str(confid)) f.close()
import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email import Encoders import os gmail_user = "<username>" gmail_pwd = "<password>" def mail(to, subject, text, attach): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = gmail_user msg['To'] = to msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(text)) part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') part.set_payload(open(attach, 'rb').read()) Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(attach)) msg.attach(part) mailServer = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587) mailServer.ehlo() mailServer.starttls() mailServer.ehlo() mailServer.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd) mailServer.sendmail(gmail_user, to, msg.as_string()) mailServer.close() mail("<email to send to>", "Hello from python!", "This is an email sent with python", "bc_pop1996.csv")
import ftplib import os import socket HOST = 'ftp.nifc.gov' DIRN = '/Incident_Specific_Data/2012 HISTORIC/ROCKY_MTN/Arapaho/GIS/20120629' FILE = '20120629_0600_Arapaho_PIO_0629_8x11_land.pdf' try: f = ftplib.FTP(HOST) except (socket.error, socket.gaierror), e: print('ERROR: cannot reach "%s"' % HOST) print('*** Connected to host "%s"' % HOST) try: f.login() except ftplib.error_perm: print('ERROR: cannot login anonymously') f.quit() print('*** Logged in as "anonymous"') try: f.cwd(DIRN) except ftplib.error_perm: print('ERROR: cannot CD to "%s"' % DIRN) f.quit() print('*** Changed to "%s" folder' % DIRN) try: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % FILE, open(FILE, 'wb').write) except ftplib.error_perm: print('ERROR: cannot read file "%s"' % FILE) os.unlink(FILE) else: print('*** Downloaded "%s" to CWD' % FILE) f.quit()
import os import zipfile #create the zip file zfile = zipfile.ZipFile("shapefiles2.zip", "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED) files = os.listdir("c:/ArcpyBook/data") for f in files: if f.endswith("shp") or f.endswith("dbf") or f.endswith(".shx"): zfile.write("C:/ArcpyBook/data/" + f) #list files in the archive for f in zfile.namelist(): print("Added %s" % f) zfile.close()
import os import zipfile #create the zip file zfile = zipfile.ZipFile("shapefiles2.zip", "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) files = os.listdir("c:/ArcpyBook/data") for f in files: if f.endswith("shp") or f.endswith("dbf") or f.endswith(".shx"): zfile.write("C:/ArcpyBook/data/" + f) #list files in the archive for f in zfile.namelist(): print("Added %s" % f) zfile.close()
from xml.dom import minidom xmldoc = minidom.parse("WitchFireResidenceDestroyed.xml") childNodes = xmldoc.childNodes eList = childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName("fire") for e in eList: if e.hasAttribute("address"): print e.getAttribute("address")
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