LeetCode OJ - Linked List Cycle I and II



1. 是否有环,通过快、慢两个指针从头一直走,快的每次走两步,慢的每次走一步,如果快的最后有遇到null,说明没有环;如果快的最后和慢的同时走到某个节点,则说明有环。

2. 环的第一个节点,用两个指针,一个从链表的头部开始,一个从快慢两个指针的同时指向的那个节点开始,每次走一步,当这两个指针同时到达一个节点A时,A就是这个环的第一个节点,这是有个数学关系在里头,可以自行推倒。


 1 /**
 2      * detect the first node of the cycle if it has cycle
 3      * @param head
 4      * @return the first node or null
 5      */
 6     public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head)
 7     {
 8         if(head == null  || head.next == null)
 9             return null;
11         //use a faster pointer and a slower pointer, to find the coincident node;
12         ListNode faster = head;
13         ListNode slower = head;
14         ListNode con = null;
15         while(faster!=null && faster.next!=null)
16         {
17             faster = faster.next.next;
18             slower = slower.next;
19             if(faster == slower)
20             {
21                 con = faster;
22                 slower = head;
23                 break;
24             }
25         }
26         //if there is no cycle, directly return null
27         if(con == null)
28             return null;
30         //find the first node of the cycle, the one that both reached at the same time
31         while(slower!=faster)
32         {
33             slower = slower.next;
34             faster = faster.next;
35         }
37         return faster;
38     }
39     /**
40      * determine if it has a cycle in it
41      * @param head
42      * @return
43      */
44     public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head){
45         if(head == null || head.next == null)
46             return false;
48         //use a faster pointer and a slower pointer, to find whether they are coincident in one node;
49         ListNode faster = head;
50         ListNode slower = head;
52         while(faster!=null && faster.next!=null)
53         {
54             faster = faster.next.next;
55             slower = slower.next;
56             if(faster == slower)
57                 return true;
58         }
59         return false;
60     }


posted @ 2014-04-24 18:43  echoht  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报