Configure bridge on a team interface using NetworkManager in RHEL 7



  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Teaming,Bridge
  • NetworkManager-1.0.6-27 and above


  • Is it possible to add a bridge interface over a team interface?
  • ens3 --|
           |--- team0 -- bridge0 + (ipv4 address)
    ens8 --|


  • Remove any existing connection profiles for the interfaces ens3 and ens8 which will be used as the bond slaves:
### on RHEL7.0 use this:
# for connection in $(nmcli -t --fields name,device connection | awk -F ":" '($2 ~ "ens{3,8}") {print $1}') ; do \
        nmcli connection delete $connection ; done
# nmcli connection reload

### on RHEL7.2 use this instead, accounting to a different output syntax of "nmcli":
# for connection in $(nmcli -t --fields name,device connection | awk -F ":" '($1 ~ "ens[3,8]") {print $1}') ; do \
        nmcli connection delete $connection ; done
# nmcli connection reload
  • Create team interface. Below steps will create an team interface with roudrobin runner.
# nmcli c add type team ifname team0 con-name team-team0
# nmcli c add type team-slave ifname ens3 con-name team-slave-ens3 master team-team0
# nmcli c add type team-slave ifname ens8 con-name team-slave-ens8 master team-team0
  • Disable IP address on the team0 interface.
# nmcli connection modify team-team0 ipv4.method disabled
  • Add a bridge on the team0 interface.
# nmcli c add type bridge ifname br0 con-name bridge-br0
# nmcli c mod bridge-br0 bridge.stp no
# nmcli c mod team-team0 connection.master br0 connection.slave-type bridge
  • To assign static Ip to bridge.
# nmcli connection modify bridge-br0 ipv4.method disabled
# nmcli connection modify bridge-br0 ip4 gw4
  • Bring up all the interface.
# nmcli c up team-slave-ens3
# nmcli c up team-slave-ens8 
# nmcli c up team-team0 
# nmcli connection up bridge-br0



posted @ 2016-12-30 16:01  又是火星人  阅读(1085)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报