Prevention, Detection and Repair of Database Corruption预防,检查和修复数据库坏块IntroductionThis paper is targeted towards customers who want to get more information about corruption issues in an Oracle database environment.Corruption is ageneric termthat covers many types of problems and is used in different c 阅读全文
Towards the year end, the balance for Asset and Liability accounts gets carried forward to the next year. However, the balances for the Expense and Revenue accounts gets moved to the Retained Earnings accounts. This is the reason why the beginning balances of Revenue and Expense accounts is zero in 阅读全文
During the Collaborate 2011 conference in Orlando, Oracle cleared up a lot of the unknowns around their current E-Business Suite of Applications Release 12.1, their upcoming new E-Business Suite of Applications Release 12.2 and the next generation Fusion Applications.在2011年奥兰多内部沟通会议期间,甲骨文整理了相关EBS的版本 阅读全文
今天解决一个AP发票验证的性能问题,从metalink上找了补丁,在测试环境上测试一下,问题就接踵而来.1,在apply patch的时候,出现如下提示:The following Oracle Reports objects did not generate successfully:apreports/USAPXAPRVL.rdf感觉这个问题影响不大,就选择"Y"继续打完补丁,类似这种问题,可以查看一下后台日志,看看有没有什么具体的原因造成的或看看这个报表的代码,再不行就从metalink上去碰运气了,因为Oracle的打patch而导致另外的问题出现,相信大家都遇到过 阅读全文
>>So WHAT IS "ORACLE FUSION"?People often get confuse with this term .To start with, it will be a good idea to know the difference between Fusion Applications and Middleware. Oracle Fusion is composed of two parts: Fusion middle ware and Fusion applications.人们通常混淆这个术语,从这里开始,给大家一个好的办法 阅读全文
自从Oracle和HP推出Exadata之后,我就很关注这个产品,之前也写了一篇Oracle database machine介绍它。去年,Oracle和SUN合并后,推出了Oracle Exadata V2,相比较上一代产品有几个变化:第一,使用SUN的硬件;第二,宣称支持OLTP应用;第三,Oracle 11g R2提供了更多的新特性。Exadata Smart Flash CacheExadata V2整体架构并没有太多改变,换用了SUN的硬件,除了采用intel最新的nehalem CPU以外,每台storage cell更是配置了384GB的flash,这也是为什么V2可以支持OLT 阅读全文
Roger 的blog 技术原创文章写的不错,每天看看,颇有收获. 阅读全文
看到"Microsoft Active Directory" 心里一震,看来EBS的密码管理可以和微软的活动目录(域管理)统一管理了. 下面好好读读这篇文章:Oracle E-Business Suite comes with native user authentication and management capabilities out-of-the-box. If you need more-advanced features, it's also possible to integrate it with Oracle Internet Directory 阅读全文
相信做EBS dba的朋友都做过clone吧?从11.5.6的手动clone到11i.5.8 的autoconfig到R12更强大的clone.其实原理无外乎就是重建控制文件(修改SID),修改$CONTEXT_FILE文件中的路径/端口等.然后再去修改APP.对于APP从源机器到目标机器,可以打包FTP,磁带,带库等等方式去恢复,而对于DB一般采用2种方式:冷备或RMAN热备; 我遇到的问题就出现了: 因为近期把DB的归档模式打开,顺便也就备份了一下,Time:2010-02-08:15:00:00(春节还在加班,辛苦吧).以下为clone步骤:1. restore cold backup 阅读全文