
For the lasting love


i cant see what would be like tomorrow

i love my mates, He,David, Luo, Lz, it feels  good to work, live, joy with all of them. I love all of them, and fight hard for the employer, and my future. every body should do their jobs with passion, as everyone look forword a better future. but whatif you cannot see what would be like in the future, even just what would be like tommorrow. yeah, it is my situation now, i cannot see my future, and it makes my work without passion. more and more mates quit, while even more newers join. i used to think that newly established south base could provide an impressive platform. but it turns to be false for me ,who has no Guanxi.

with regard to chinamobile, it has been going down for years, and will maintain the trend for years in my opinion, unless it makes a beautiful transformation. for all the monopoly industries in the world ,including RPC,just as telecommunication, bank, electricity , oil , it will move toward the OPEN, just a matter of time.


posted on 2012-08-26 14:30  evander  阅读(214)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报