n System.ComponentModel, there's a class called CancelEventArgs which contains a Cancel member that can be set in event listeners. The documentation on MSDN explains how to use that to cancel events from within a listener, but how do I use it to implement my own cancelable events? Is there a way to check the Cancel member after each listener fires, or do I have to wait until after the event has fired all its listeners?
To check each listener in turn, you need to manually get the handlers via GetInvocationList:
class Foo { public event CancelEventHandler Bar; protected void OnBar() { bool cancel = false; CancelEventHandler handler = Bar; if (handler != null) { CancelEventArgs args = new CancelEventArgs(cancel); foreach (CancelEventHandler tmp in handler.GetInvocationList()) { tmp(this, args); if (args.Cancel) { cancel = true; break; } } } if(!cancel) { /* ... */ } } }