

Posted on 2012-09-28 15:30  eastson  阅读(1044)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

you could use the .serialize() method :

var queryString = $('#myForm').serialize();

which would give you something like :


you could then load the page you want like so :

document.location ='http://myschool.com/event.aspx?'+queryString;

Summary :

<formid="myForm" method="GET"><div class="EventRadios" style="color:#574319;font:13px Trebuchet">
    <input type="radio" name="EventType" value="All"/>All &nbsp;  
    <input type="radio" name="EventType" value="Class"/>Class &nbsp;  
    <input type="radio" name="EventType" value="Event"/>Event &nbsp;    
    <input type="radio" name="EventType" value="Support Group"/>Support Group &nbsp;&nbsp;<br/><br/>
<input name="KeywordBox" class="BasicSearchInputBox" type="text" value="Keyword Search..."/>
<div class="searchBtnHolder"><a class="searchButton" href="#"type="submit"><span>Search</span></a></div></form>

    var queryString = $('#myForm').serialize();
    document.location ='http://myschool.com/event.aspx?'+queryString;


simple answer to your question is grab all your form value and make url string with your value and send to location.href = " your url + value ";


    var radioVal =  $('input:radio[name=EventType]:checked').val();
    var textVal = $("input:text[name=keywordBox]").val();

    value ="r="+ radioVal +"&t="+ textVal;
    location.href ="yourURL"+ value;


