ADF_Starting系列4_使用ADF开发富Web应用程序之维护User Interface(Part1)
2014-05-04 Created By BaoXinjian
Part 1: Creating a Fusion Web Application and Building the Business Services
Step 1: Create a Fusion Web Application
Step 2: Build the Business Services
Part 2: Developing the User Interface
Step 2: Bind Data Controls to the Page
Step 4: Enhance the JSF Page
Step 5: Add More Complexity to the Business Services
Part 3: Enhancing the User Interface
Step 1: Create a Page Flow
Step 2: Use Partial Page Refresh
Step 3: Use the ADF AutoSuggest Behavior
Step 4: Use Drop Down Menus and Operation Components
Step 5: Add CRUD Operation Components to your Page
Step 6: Create a Query-only Business Service Based on Parameter
Step 7: Create a Reusable Page Fragment
二、案例 - Create a Page Flow
1. 创建一个页面流程PageFlow, 起始view为DeptEmpPage,对应JSP页面为DeptEmpPage.jsf
2. 创建一个新view query,对应的JSP页面为Query.jsp
3. 创建两个View之间的跳转关系,goquery和back
4. 创建query页面对应的jsp
5. 最后所创建的pageflow,连个view,和对应的jps页面
6. 创建query页面的数据源,header为对应的查询条件头
7. 创建query页面的数据源,为对应的查询detail明细
8. 创建back按钮,从query页面跳转deptemppage
9. 测试运行, goquery跳转到query页面
10. 测试运行,根据查询条件,查询资料
三、案例 - Use Partial Page Refresh
1. 局部刷新的触发控件salary,autosubmit为true
2. 局部刷新,反应控件anual salary的partialTrigger,对应到salary
3. 需找paritialTirggers
4. 测试运行,修改salary为 4400 到44000
5. anual salary的值自动
四、案例 - Use the ADF AutoSuggest Behavior
五、案例 - Use Drop Down Menus and Operation Components
1. 新增菜单功能
2. 查看所创建的菜单My Options
3. 在该菜单中添加新的菜单项内容
4. 新菜单项Export Collection Action Listener,用打印Execel
5. 新增菜单项Show Printable Page Behavior
6. 测试运行新增菜单项
7. 测试运行,导出Excel文件功能
8. 测试运行,打印功能
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