2013-05-01 Created By BaoXinjian
在本教程中,您将使用甲骨文的JDeveloper 11 g版本11.来构建一个web应用程序。
建立数据模型,您可以使用EJB图,EJB 3.0和Java Persistence API(JPA)。
web客户端使用JavaServer Faces(JSF)。
Building a Web Application Using EJB, JPA, and JavaServer Faces
Part 1: Building the Data Model with EJB 3.0 Using the EJB Diagrammer
Step 1: Create a New Application and Projects
Step 2: Create the Persistence Model
Step 3: Create an EJB Diagram and a Session Bean
Step 4: Create a Facade Bean to Expose for the Client Application
Step 5: Create ADF Data Controls from EJB Session Beansclose
Part 2: Building the View Projectclose
Step 1: Create a Master-Detail JavaServer Faces Page
Step 2: Bind Data Control Components to the Page
Step 3: Run and Test the Page
Step 4: Add Create and Delete Functionalities to the Page
Part 3: Adding and Exposing a New Method to the UIclose
Step 1: Add a New Method to the Entity and Expose it
Step 2: Build a Bounded Task Flow with Two JSF Pages
Step 3: Use the Task Flow as aRegion in the mainHR pageStep 4: Run the mainHR Page
Part 4: Testing the Facade Inside and Outside the Java EE Container
Step 1: Add a New Method to the Entity and Expose it
Step 2: Run the Java Service outside Java EE container
二、案例1 - Create a New Application and Projects
1. 创建一个新的ADF应用
2. 查看所创建应用
三、案例2 - Create the Persistence Model
1. 创建EJB,Entities from tables
2.1 创建表实体 - Version
2.3 创建表实体 -Type of Connection
Step3. 创建Database Connection
Step4. 定义PackageName
Step5. 关系
Step6. 查看所创建的两个Bean
四、案例3 - Create an EJB Diagram and a Session Bean
Step1. 创建EJB Diagram
Step2. 创建EJB Diagram
Step3. 持久层绑定Model
Step4. 创建如下
五、案例4 - Create a Facade Bean to Expose for the Client Application
Step1. 创建Session Bean
Step2. 创建生产方法
Step3. 定义属性参数
Step4. 查看所创建的组件
六、案例5 - Create ADF Data Controls from EJB Session Beansclose
Step1. 创建Data Control
Step2. 定义方法
Step3. 查看所创建的Data Control
Thanks and Regards
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