ADF_Starting系列2_使用ADF开发富Web应用程序之建立Business Services
2013-05-01 Created By BaoXinjian
Part 1: Creating a Fusion Web Application and Building the Business Services
Step 1: Create a Fusion Web Application
Step 2: Build the Business Services
Part 2: Developing the User Interface
Step 2: Bind Data Controls to the Page
Step 4: Enhance the JSF Page
Step 5: Add More Complexity to the Business Services
Part 3: Enhancing the User Interface
Step 1: Create a Page Flow
Step 2: Use Partial Page Refresh
Step 3: Use the ADF AutoSuggest Behavior
Step 4: Use Drop Down Menus and Operation Components
Step 5: Add CRUD Operation Components to your Page
Step 6: Create a Query-only Business Service Based on Parameters
Step 7: Create a Reusable Page Fragment
二、案例实现 - Create a New Fusion Application and Building the Business Services
1. 创建新的应用, 类型为Fusion Web Application
2.1. 定义Application Name
2.2 定义Model Project
2.3 定义Model Project的Java配置
2.4 定义View Controller Project
2.5 定义View Controller Project的Java配置
三、案例实现 - Build the Business Services
1. 创建业务服务
2.1 定义EO
2.2 定义Updatable VO
2.3 定义只读VO
2.4 定义AM
2.5 查看所创建的Business Services
Step3. 定义数据库连接
Step4. 更新业务服务状态和数据库连接为done
Thanks and Regards
参考:Oracle - Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 2 Tutorials
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