
1. 简介

  Drozer是MWR Labs开发的一款Android安全测试框架。是目前最好的Android安全测试工具之一。其官方文档说道:“Drozer允许你一一个普通android应用的身份与其他应用和操作系统交互。”在Web世界已经有了许多安全测试工具了,我们只需要给出一个目标,这些工具就会自动为我们安全测试报告。但Drozer与这样的自动化扫描器不同,Drozer是一种交互式的安全测试工具。使用Drozer进行安全测试,用户在自己的工作站上输入命令,Drozer会将命令发送到Android设备上的代理程序执行。

2. 下载


3. 安装及连接配置

  1) 手机端安装运行Android客户端,并打开Embbdded Server;

  2) 电脑端安装Windows客户端,安装目前选择在Python根目录;

  3) 打开命令行工具,进入安装目录:C:\Python27\Scripts,运行adb命令将端口转发到Drozer使用的端口31415:

adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415

  4) 进入Drozer控制台:

drozer console connect

  5) 处理Python报错:

    a. ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

    解决办法:pip install protobuf

    b. ImportError: No module named OpenSSL

    解决办法:pip install pyOpenSSL

    c. drozer Server requires Twisted to run.

    解决办法:pip install twisted

    d. UserWarning: You do not have a working installation of the service_identity module: 'No module named service_identity'. Please install it from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/service_identity and make sure all of its dependencies are satisfied.

    解决办法:pip install service_identity

  6) 通过list命令列出Drozer所有功能模块,如能正常显示,则说明Drozer已正确安装:

drozer Console (v2.4.4)
dz> list
app.activity.forintent                   Find activities that can handle the given intent                                                                               
app.activity.info                        Gets information about exported activities.                                                                                    
app.activity.start                       Start an Activity                                                                                                              
app.broadcast.info                       Get information about broadcast receivers                                                                                      
app.broadcast.send                       Send broadcast using an intent                                                                                                 
app.broadcast.sniff                      Register a broadcast receiver that can sniff particular intents                                                                
app.package.attacksurface                Get attack surface of package                                                                                                  
app.package.backup                       Lists packages that use the backup API (returns true on FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP)                                                     
app.package.debuggable                   Find debuggable packages                                                                                                       
app.package.info                         Get information about installed packages                                                                                       
app.package.launchintent                 Get launch intent of package                                                                                                   
app.package.list                         List Packages                                                                                                                  
app.package.manifest                     Get AndroidManifest.xml of package                                                                                             
app.package.native                       Find Native libraries embedded in the application.                                                                             
app.package.shareduid                    Look for packages with shared UIDs                                                                                             
app.provider.columns                     List columns in content provider                                                                                               
app.provider.delete                      Delete from a content provider                                                                                                 
app.provider.download                    Download a file from a content provider that supports files                                                                    
app.provider.finduri                     Find referenced content URIs in a package                                                                                      
app.provider.info                        Get information about exported content providers                                                                               
app.provider.insert                      Insert into a Content Provider                                                                                                 
app.provider.query                       Query a content provider                                                                                                       
app.provider.read                        Read from a content provider that supports files                                                                               
app.provider.update                      Update a record in a content provider                                                                                          
app.service.info                         Get information about exported services                                                                                        
app.service.send                         Send a Message to a service, and display the reply                                                                             
app.service.start                        Start Service                                                                                                                  
app.service.stop                         Stop Service                                                                                                                   
auxiliary.webcontentresolver             Start a web service interface to content providers.                                                                            
exploit.jdwp.check                       Open @jdwp-control and see which apps connect                                                                                  
exploit.pilfer.general.apnprovider       Reads APN content provider                                                                                                     
exploit.pilfer.general.settingsprovider  Reads Settings content provider                                                                                                
information.datetime                     Print Date/Time                                                                                                                
information.deviceinfo                   Get verbose device information                                                                                                 
information.permissions                  Get a list of all permissions used by packages on the device                                                                   
scanner.activity.browsable               Get all BROWSABLE activities that can be invoked from the web browser                                                          
scanner.misc.native                      Find native components included in packages                                                                                    
scanner.misc.readablefiles               Find world-readable files in the given folder                                                                                  
scanner.misc.secretcodes                 Search for secret codes that can be used from the dialer                                                                       
scanner.misc.sflagbinaries               Find suid/sgid binaries in the given folder (default is /system).                                                              
scanner.misc.writablefiles               Find world-writable files in the given folder                                                                                  
scanner.provider.finduris                Search for content providers that can be queried from our context.                                                             
scanner.provider.injection               Test content providers for SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                                                      
scanner.provider.sqltables               Find tables accessible through SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                                                  
scanner.provider.traversal               Test content providers for basic directory traversal vulnerabilities.                                                          
shell.exec                               Execute a single Linux command.                                                                                                
shell.send                               Send an ASH shell to a remote listener.                                                                                        
shell.start                              Enter into an interactive Linux shell.                                                                                         
tools.file.download                      Download a File                                                                                                                
tools.file.md5sum                        Get md5 Checksum of file                                                                                                       
tools.file.size                          Get size of file                                                                                                               
tools.file.upload                        Upload a File                                                                                                                  
tools.setup.busybox                      Install Busybox.                                                                                                               
tools.setup.minimalsu                    Prepare 'minimal-su' binary installation on the device. 
View Code


4. 常用命令

  1) 查询安装包的信息:

run app.package.info -a <PACKAGE>


  2) 确定App受攻击的面(attack face),列出暴露的组件信息:

run app.package.attacksurface <PACKAGE>


  3) Activity协议攻击

    a. 查询对外组件的信息

run app.activity.info -a <PACKAGE>

    b. 使用app.activity.start进行漏洞测试(是否可以越过登录界面直接访问该activity,越权漏洞)

run app.activity.start  --component <PACKAGE> <COMPONENT>


  4) broadcast协议攻击:


    a. 查询广播的信息

run app.broadcast.info -a <PACKAGE>

    b. 攻击broadcast协议

run app.broadcast.send --action <ACTION>


  5) Service协议攻击


run app.service.start --component <PACKAGE> <COMPONENT>


  6) Provider组件数据泄露

  Content Provider组件以表格的形式把数据展现给外部的应用。每个Content Provider都对应一个以”content://”开头的特定URI,任何应用都可以通过这个URI操作Content Provider 应用的数据库。如果应用对权限控制不当就会造成信息泄露。

    a. 列出可访问内容URL:

run scanner.provider.finduris -a <PACKAGE>

    b. 根据可调用的URI,从content中提取信息:

run app.provider.query <URL> --vertical



run app.broadcast.send --action <ACTION>

posted on 2021-04-07 15:08  EastJason  阅读(1187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
