


  我们在工作中,经常遇到有些业务场景需要使用多线程异步执行任务,从而加快任务执行速度。本文探讨的业务场景如下:某一个业务接口,需要处理几百个请求,之后再由一个线程汇总每个请求的执行结果。解决办法是基于并发包中的FutureTask,用轮询方式判断 Future.isDone 任务是否结束,再获取结果。

  FutureTask是什么?FutureTask表示一个异步运算的任务,是Java 5 新增的Future接口的一个基础实现,我们可以将它同Executors一起使用处理异步任务。





CountDownLatch(int count):count为计数器的初始值(一般初始化为线程个数)。
await(): 等待计数器变为0,即等待所有异步线程执行完毕。
boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit):无论计数器的值是否递减到0,只等待timeout时间就唤醒。它与await()区别:
① 至多会等待指定的时间,超时后自动唤醒,若 timeout 小于等于零,则不会等待;
② boolean 类型返回值:若计数器变为零了,则返回 true;若指定的等待时间过去了且计数器的值大于零,则返回 false。



  1. 某个线程需要在其它N个线程执行完毕后再执行。
  2. 某个线程需要等待其它N个线程执行 T 毫秒后再执行。
  3. 多个线程并行执行同一个任务,提高并发量。




boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);


V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;


V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;



  是否执行结束,true 已结束,false 未结束。



  基本程序基于帖子 java latch闭锁基本使用(结合future) 做了改动。我们在该程序上做进一步的小测试——某个线程需要等待其它N个线程执行M 毫秒后再执行。定义worker线程,它会执行工作并返回工作时长:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * @Author Wiener
 * @Date 2022-12-25
 * @Description: 实现Callable的工人
public class WorkerWithResult implements Callable<Worker> {
    private CountDownLatch downLatch;
    private int workerId;

    public WorkerWithResult(CountDownLatch downLatch, int workerId) {
        this.downLatch = downLatch;
        this.workerId = workerId;

    public Worker call() {
        int workTime = -1;
        try {
            workTime = new Random().nextInt(3000);
            // 降低4号员工的工作效率
            if (workerId == 4) {
                workTime = workTime + 3000;
            System.out.println(workerId + " used time: "  + workTime);
        } finally {
            Worker oneWorker = new Worker();
            return oneWorker;


import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

 * Boss Bean
 * @author Wiener
public class BossWithResult implements Runnable {

    private static Long givenWorkTime = 2000L;

    private CountDownLatch downLatch;
    private List<Future> taskList;

    public BossWithResult(CountDownLatch downLatch, List<Future> workTimeUseList) {
        this.downLatch = downLatch;
        this.taskList = workTimeUseList;

    public void run() {
        Integer totalTime = 0;
        // 任务开始前预创建变量
        List<Future> doneTasks = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            // 等待指定时间后,查看工作完成情况,这期间完成工作说明工作效率杠杠的,优秀员工
            Boolean finished = downLatch.await(givenWorkTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (!finished) {
                // 响应超时
                log.warn("响应超时: {} ms", givenWorkTime);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("任务失败,", e);

        // 保留已完成的任务
        for (Future<Worker> workerTask : taskList) {
            if (workerTask.isDone()) {
        }"已完成task:{}", doneTasks.size());

        // 分析已经执行完的任务
        int workTime = 0;
        for (Future<Worker> excellentWorker : doneTasks) {
            try {
                Worker oneWorker = excellentWorker.get(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                workTime = oneWorker.getWorkTime();
                if (workTime > givenWorkTime) {
          " ****** Worker id {} uses {}", oneWorker.getWorkerId(), workTime);
                } else {
          "The work time of worker id {} is {}", oneWorker.getWorkerId(), workTime);
                totalTime = workTime + totalTime;

            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
                log.error("-----------------", e);
        }"工人总的工作时长是:" + totalTime);

  Worker Bean定义如下:

 * @Author Wiener
 * @Date 2022-12-25
 * @Description: 工人 Bean
public class Worker implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8461989391177768538L;
     * 工人ID
    private Integer workerId;
     * 工作时长
    private Integer workTime;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class LatchDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
         * 使用future统计每个worker工作的时长,最后通过latch的await函数通知boss统计工时。
         * 温馨提示,在给boss传递参数的时候,可以让boss直接获得future中的值,但是如果使用
         * 这种方式,就没有必要使用latch了,因为在获取每个worker的值时需要使用future.get(),能够创建完成
         * 参数的时候,worker线程应该已经结束了。所以就没有必要使用latch了。
         * 如果像下面程序传递的是future,然后在boss的线程中对future进行取值,就是需要latch的。因为在boss线程
         * 开始的时候future没有执行完成,需要latch等待2000ms后,才能保证有的future已经执行结束。
         * 定义工人个数,数量越大,模拟的越逼真
        int workerNum = 21;
        CountDownLatch downLatch = new CountDownLatch(workerNum);
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(workerNum);
        List<Future> workTimeList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < workerNum; i ++) {
            FutureTask<Worker> loopTask = new FutureTask<>(new WorkerWithResult(downLatch, i));
        executor.submit(new BossWithResult(downLatch, workTimeList));
        // 关闭线程池




18 used time: 115
14 used time: 208
20 used time: 327
16 used time: 411
15 used time: 437
17 used time: 759
6 used time: 867
7 used time: 937
13 used time: 1025
5 used time: 1029
19 used time: 1113
10 used time: 1125
1 used time: 1313
8 used time: 1316
0 used time: 1390
9 used time: 1581
3 used time: 2082
11 used time: 2137
18:08:56.125 [pool-1-thread-19] WARN com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - 响应超时: 2000 ms
18:08:56.139 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - 已完成task:18
18:08:56.140 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 0 is 1390
18:08:56.141 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 1 is 1313
18:08:56.141 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult -  ****** Worker id 3 uses 2082
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 5 is 1029
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 6 is 867
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 7 is 937
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 8 is 1316
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 9 is 1581
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 10 is 1125
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult -  ****** Worker id 11 uses 2137
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 13 is 1025
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 14 is 208
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 15 is 437
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 16 is 411
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 17 is 759
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 18 is 115
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 19 is 1113
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - The work time of worker id 20 is 327
18:08:56.142 [pool-1-thread-19] INFO com.swagger.demo.service.latch.BossWithResult - 工人总的工作时长是:18172
2 used time: 2491
12 used time: 2919
4 used time: 4190





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