
老外做东西真的很细腻哈,一个新手读读document 竟然如此的顺利


如果远程访问的化,需要配置 conf文件,以后在看去吧,暂时先用127.0.0.1 代替


// pgDemo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "libpq-fe.h"

static void show_connection_attributes( const PGconn * conn );
static const char * check( const char * value );

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  PGconn * connection; 
  /** 顺带解释下,链接字符串的构成
  Table 8.2. Connection Attributes Connect-String Keyword
  Environment Variable Example
  user PGUSER user=korry
  password PGPASSWORD password=cows
  dbname PGDATABASE dbname=accounting 
  host PGHOST host=jersey
  hostaddr PGHOSTADDR hostaddr=
  service PGSERVICE service=accounting 
  port PGPORT port=5432 
  // 用下面这个是因为不需要SSL的支持,加上IP就需要了
  // 注意大小写敏感
  connection = PQconnectdb( "dbname=mydb user=Eagle password=123456 hostaddr=");  
  if ( PQstatus(connection) != CONNECTION_OK )
  printf("%s \n", PQerrorMessage(connection) );
  printf("connect is ok \n");
  show_connection_attributes( connection );

  PQfinish( connection);
  return 0;

static const char * check( const char * value )
if( value )
return( value );
return( "(null)" );

static void show_connection_attributes( const PGconn * c )
printf( "dbname   = %s\n", check( PQdb( c )));
printf( "user     = %s\n", check( PQuser( c )));
printf( "password = %s\n", check( PQpass( c )));
printf( "host     = %s\n", check( PQhost( c )));
printf( "port     = %s\n", check( PQport( c )));
printf( "tty      = %s\n", check( PQtty( c )));
printf( "options  = %s\n", check( PQoptions( c )));


posted on 2011-10-10 15:46  Eaglezzb  阅读(108)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
