windows 编译mongodb 2.4
最近一直想使用一下No SQL。 选择了mongodb.
Build with Visual Studio 2010
Binaries are available for most platforms. Most users won’t need to compile MongoDB themselves. Every prebuilt binary has been regression tested. See the Downloads page for these prebuilt binaries.
MongoDB can be compiled for Windows (32 and 64 bit) using Visual C++. SCons is the make mechanism, although a solution file is also included in the project for convenience when using the Visual Studio IDE. (These instructions don’t work using Visual Studio
Express, which must be uninstalled to get Visual Studio Professional/Ultimate to work properly. VSE can only do 32 bit builds.)
These instructions are for MongoDB versions 2.1.1 and later.
Get the MongoDB Source Code
Do one of the following:
Download the source code from Downloads page
Install Git, then:
Clone the repository by issuing the following:
git clone git:// // 推荐git下载源代码, 官方下载的那17M 不靠谱
For more information, see
////////////////////////////////我是照着这个来弄的没商议 安装吧
Build with SCons
Install Python:
Make sure to install the 32-bit version of python and not the 64-bit as the SCons binaries below are 32-bit.
It is recommended you install pywin32 if you want to do parallel builds (scons -j):
Install SCons:
Add the python scripts directory (e.g., C:\Python27\Scripts) to your PATH.
scons --release --64 // build mongod
scons --release --64 mongoclient.lib // build C++ client driver library
scons --release --64 core // build all end user components
scons --dd --64 // build mongod
scons --dd --32 mongoclient.lib // build C++ client driver library
scons --dd --64 core // build all end user components
Add --64 or --32 to get the 64- and 32-bit versions, respectively. Replace --release with --dd to build a debug build.
1. atomic_intrinsics_win32.h 文件有一个不识别的宏
// static const bool kHaveInterlocked64 = (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA);
//modify by eagle
static const bool kHaveInterlocked64 = (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600);
2. 编译的客户端连接例子
请使用MT 调试, 通过