题解 题目1001 GT and sequence注意先特判000的情况:如果读入的数据有000,那么去掉所有的000且最后答案和000取一个max。剩下的正数显然全部乘起来比较优。对于负数的话,如果个数是奇数个我们就去掉绝对值最小的那一个,然后全部乘起来即可。1002 GT and numbers... 阅读全文
Problem DescriptionYou are given two numbers NNN and MMM.Every step you can get a new NNN in the way that multiply NNN by a factor of NNN.Work out how... 阅读全文
Problem DescriptionYou are given a sequence of NNN integers.You should choose some numbers(at least one),and make the product of them as big as possib... 阅读全文