2)用“年/月/日 小时:分钟:秒”格式输出日期
4)设置的时钟能随着时间自动增加(比如设置当前时间为2015/5/25 10:10:10,10秒后再显示为2015/5/25 10:10:20)
1 //Date.h
3 class Date
4 {
5 public:
6 Date(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHour, int iMinute, int iSecond);
8 // Convert from second to date
9 void getDate(int &iYear, int &iMonth, int &iDay, int &iHour, int &iMinute, int &iSecond);
11 // Reset the date
12 int setTime(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHour, int iMinute, int iSecond);
14 // Add time to the date
15 void addYear(int iYear);
16 void addMonth(int iMonth);
17 void addDay(int iDay);
18 void addHour(int iHour);
19 void addMinute(int iMinute);
20 void addSecond(int iSecond);
22 // Whether the year is leap year
23 int isLeap(int iYear);
24 int seconds();
25 private:
26 int m_lTotalSeconds;
27 };
1 //类声明 2 Date::Date(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHour, int iMinute, int iSecond) 3 { 4 setTime(iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond); 5 } 6 7 int Date::setTime(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHour, int iMinute, int iSecond) 8 { 9 int iTotalDays = (iYear / 4 - iYear / 100 + iYear / 400) + 367 * iMonth / 12 + iDay + iYear * 365 - 719499; 10 m_lTotalSeconds = ((iTotalDays * 24 + iHour) * 60 + iMinute) * 60 + iSecond; 11 return m_lTotalSeconds; 12 } 13 14 15 int Date::isLeap(int iYear) 16 { 17 return (((iYear%4==0)&&(iYear%100!=0))||(iYear%400==0)); 18 } 19 20 int Date::seconds() 21 { 22 return m_lTotalSeconds; 23 } 24 25 void Date::getDate(int &iYear, int &iMonth, int &iDay, int &iHour, int &iMinute, int &iSecond) 26 { 27 const int monthLengths[2][13] = { 28 { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}, 29 { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366} 30 }; 31 const int yearLengths[2] = {365, 366}; 32 iDay = m_lTotalSeconds / 86400; 33 iSecond = m_lTotalSeconds % 86400; 34 35 iYear = iDay / 366; 36 iDay -= iYear*365 + (iYear+2-1)/4 - (iYear+100-30-1)/100 + (iYear+400-30-1)/400; 37 38 while (1) 39 { 40 if (iDay > 0) 41 { 42 break; 43 } 44 iDay += yearLengths[isLeap(iYear - 1)]; 45 --iYear; 46 } 47 for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= 12; ++iMonth) 48 { 49 if (iDay <= monthLengths[isLeap(iYear)][iMonth]) 50 { 51 iDay -= monthLengths[isLeap(iYear)][iMonth - 1]; 52 break; 53 } 54 } 55 56 iHour = m_lTotalSeconds / 3600; //3600s one hour 57 iMinute = (m_lTotalSeconds % 3600) / 60; //60s one minute 58 iSecond = m_lTotalSeconds % 60; //ms 59 }
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<windows.h> 3 #include<conio.h> 4 #include<time.h> 5 #include"Date.h" 6 using namespace std; 7 int main() 8 { 9 cout<<"电子时钟"<<endl; //输出题意 10 cout<<"设计并实现如下功能:"<<endl; 11 cout<<"1)设置日期"<<endl; 12 cout<<"2)用“年/月/日 小时:分钟:秒”格式输出日期"<<endl; 13 cout<<"3)在当前时钟的基础上可以增加、较少时间,并显示"<<endl; 14 cout<<"4)设置的时钟能随着时间自动增加"<<endl; 15 cout<<"(比如设置当前时间为2015/5/25 10:10:10,10秒后再显示为2015/5/25 10:10:20)\n"<<endl; 16 system("pause"); 17 SYSTEMTIME sys; //定义sys用于调用系统时间 18 do 19 { 20 GetLocalTime(&sys); //获取系统当前时间 21 cout<<"系统当前时间(获得任意输入以后继续):\n"; 22 cout<<sys.wYear<<":"<<sys.wMonth<<":"<<sys.wDay<<" ";//sys.wYear系统年,sys.wMonth系统月,以此类推 23 cout<<sys.wHour<<":"<<sys.wMinute<<":"<<sys.wSecond<<endl; 24 Sleep(1); //系统暂停1毫秒 25 system("cls"); //清屏 26 while(kbhit()){goto a;} //有键盘输入则跳出循环,否则一直循环 27 }while(1); 28 29 a: 30 cout<<"现在可以更改时间了\n"; 31 cout<<"请输入时间:年 月 日 小时 分钟 秒"<<endl; 32 33 int year,month,day,hour,minute,second,judge=0,loop=1; 34 scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&year,&month,&day,&hour,&minute,&second); 35 36 do 37 { 38 c: 39 cout<<"自定义的时间(获得任意输入以后继续):\n"; 40 second++; //时间自增 41 if(second==59){second=0;minute++;} //以下if部分用于判断年月日 小时分钟秒的进率以及判断平年闰年 42 if(minute==60){minute=0;hour++;} 43 if(hour==24){hour=0;day++;} 44 if((month==1||month==3||month==5||month==7||month==8||month==10||month==12)&&day>31) 45 {day=1;month++;} 46 if((month==4||month==6||month==9||month==11)&&day>30) 47 {day=1;month++;} 48 if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0) || (year%400==0)) 49 {judge=1;} 50 if(month==2&&judge==1&&day>29) 51 {day=1;month++;} 52 if(month==2&&judge==0&&day>28) 53 {day=1;month++;} 54 if(month>12) 55 {month=1;year++;} 56 cout<<year<<":"<<month<<":"<<day<<" "; 57 cout<<hour<<":"<<minute<<":"<<second<<endl; 58 Sleep(1000); //系统暂停1000毫秒=1秒钟,用于实现时间的自动变化 59 system("cls"); //清屏 60 while(kbhit()){goto b;} //有键盘输入则跳出循环,否则一直循环 61 }while(1); 62 63 b: 64 if(loop==1) 65 { 66 cout<<"现在可以增加或减少时间了,增加为正、减少为负(请输入合法数据):\n"; 67 cout<<"请输入要增加的时间:年 月 日 小时 分钟 秒(不增加的部分写0)\n"; 68 int year1,month1,day1,hour1,minute1,second1; 69 scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&year1,&month1,&day1,&hour1,&minute1,&second1); 70 year=year+year1;month=month+month1;day=day+day1;hour=hour+hour1; 71 minute=minute+minute1;second=second+second1; //实现时间增加或减少 72 loop=0; 73 goto c; 74 } 75 system("pause"); 76 return 0; 77 }