


HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) Hadoop分布式文件系统,具有高容错性,适合部署在廉价的机器上。Python
提供了两种接口方式,分别是hdfscli(Restful Api Call),pyhdfs(RPC Call),这一节主要讲hdfscli的使用


  1. 安装
    pip install hdfs
  2. 引入相关模块
    from hdfs import *
  3. 创建客户端
    It has two different kind of client, Client and InsecureClient.
    Client: cannot define file owner
    InsecureClient: can define file owner, default None
    hdfs_root_path = 'http://localhost:50070'
    fs = Client(hdfs_root_path)
    fs = InsecureClient(hdfs_root_path, user='hdfs')
  4. 创建目录
    Change file permission to 777, default None
    fs.makedirs('/test', permission=777)
  5. 写文件
    Write append or not depends on the file is exist or not
    strict: If `False`, return `None` rather than raise an exception if
          the path doesn't exist.
    content = fs.content(hdfs_file_path, strict=False)
    if content is None:
        fs.write('/test/test.txt', data=data, permission=777)
        fs.write('/test/test.txt', data=data, append=True)
  6. 上传文件
    overwrite default False, if don't set True, when you upload the file which is exist
    in hdfs, it will raise File is exist Exception.
    client.upload(hdfs_path, local_path, overwrite=True)
  7. 总结
posted @ 2018-01-22 13:09  三界  阅读(1154)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报