Heroes around us
Just at the time of the Spring Festival, to everyone surprise, the Chinese people had to fight against the new coronavirus which was similar to
the SARS 17 years ago. But through our efforts, China had already control the epidemic. During the outbreak, there were plenty of heroes who had
great significance in fighting the virus.
For instance, medical workers gave up their union with family and didn't mind the difficulties to support Wuhan during this Spring Festival.
Because of their nursing and treatment, many patients were able to recover from the novel coronavirus pneumonia. They liked angles, gave the people
with the hope of survival and alive. Besides the medical workers, there were also a lot of volunteers who made great process. On the empty roads,
they delivered the doctors and nurses on the way to work and home. The food and articles of everyday use that provided for the citizens were also
delivered by them. In addition, Wuhan's construction workers worked hardly day and night with a little salary, made the achievement of completing the
construction of Huoshenshan hospital in just 10 days. All of them were the heroes surrounding us.
Due to their selfless dedication, the epidemic was brought under rapid control, our normal lives were nearly brought back. As to our teenagers,
we may just the bystander nowadays, only be able to stay at home and study hard to prepare for the future. It is necessary to learn the spirit of
them and devote our efforts to national development in the future. They protect the nation today, we will build a better future for the country!
These heroes who against the virus deserve to be remembered by us forever!
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