sql server获取对象并判断对象是否存在



if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'表名') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

--OR if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where id=object_id('表名') and xtype='U')
drop table 表名
if object_id('tempdb..表名') is not null
drop table 表名

if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where id=object_id('存储过程名') and xtype='P')

drop procedure 存储过程名


SELECT [name],[id],crdate FROM sysobjects where xtype='U'


xtype 的表示参数类型,通常包括如下这些
C = CHECK 约束
D = 默认值或 DEFAULT 约束
L = 日志
FN = 标量函数
IF = 内嵌表函数
P = 存储过程
PK = PRIMARY KEY 约束(类型是 K)
RF = 复制筛选存储过程
S = 系统表
TF = 表函数
TR = 触发器
U = 用户表
UQ = UNIQUE 约束(类型是 K)
V = 视图
X = 扩展存储过程



declare @PKName varchar(100)
declare @sql varchar(4000)

select @PKName=name from sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=object_id('表名')
set @sql='alter table prodconstru drop constraint '+@PKName


alter table 表名 add constraint 主键名 primary key(列名);

select c.name, t.name as type, c.length
case t.name
when 'nvarchar' then c.length/2
when 'nchar' then c.length/2
else c.length
as reallength
from syscolumns c join systypes t
on c.xtype=t.xtype
where t.name <> 'sysname' and c.id=object_id('表名')


select objectproperty(object_id('表名'),'tablehasidentity')


posted @ 2010-02-03 14:19  一 点  阅读(347)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报