Python学习入门基础教程(learning Python)--3.3.3 Python逻辑关系表达式




def if_check(): 
	global x
	x = 79
	print(" in if_check x = ", x)
	if x >= 60 and x < 70:
		print(" good")
	if x >= 70 and x < 80:
		print(" better")
	if x >= 80 and x < 90:
		print(" best")
	if x >= 90 and x < 100:
		print(" Excellent")
	if x < 60:
		print(" You need improve")
def main():
	global x
	print(" in main x = ", x)

x = 12



    由于x = 79所以只有if x >= 70 and x < 80:的condition满足,故打印better,这里我们可以看出逻辑and运算符是要求and前后的布尔值都是真才能判定condition为真。


def if_check(): 
	global x
	x = 79
	print(" in if_check x = ", x)
	if x >= 60 or x < 70:
		print(" good")
	if x >= 70 or x < 80:
		print(" better")
	if x >= 80 or x < 90:
		print(" best")
	if x >= 90 or x < 100:
		print(" Excellent")
	if x < 60:
		print(" You need improve")
def main():
	global x
	print(" in main x = ", x)

x = 12



    good和better被打印出来可以理解(79 >= 60, 79 > = 70都为真),但为何best和Excellent也被打印出来了呢?
当x = 79时,x >= 80为假但x < 90确实真,两者做逻辑或运算其综合表达式的值为真。同理,if x >= 90 or x < 100:里有79 < 100为真,故if的条件判断语句(x >= 90 or x < 100)为真。


if (x > 0 or x < 100) and (y > 0 or y < 100): 
	 z = x * y




posted @ 2013-06-29 21:35  jlins  阅读(2549)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报