一 概念基础
二 源码解析
def rec_start(): chunk = 1024 # Record in chunks of 1024 samples sample_format = pyaudio.paInt16 # 16 bits per sample channels = 1 fs = 44100 # Record at 44100 samples per second seconds = 300 current_time = time.strftime("%m.%d.%y %H:%M", time.localtime()) #filename = "output.wav" current_time = time.strftime("%m_%d_%y_%H_%M", time.localtime()) file_name = 'rec_%s.wav' % current_time p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # Create an interface to PortAudio print('Recording file name:',file_name) stream = p.open(format=sample_format, channels=channels, rate=fs, frames_per_buffer=chunk, input=True) frames = [] # Initialize array to store frames # Store data in chunks for 3 seconds for i in range(0, int(fs / chunk * seconds)): data = stream.read(chunk) frames.append(data) # Stop and close the stream stream.stop_stream() stream.close() # Terminate the PortAudio interface p.terminate() print('Finished recording') # Save the recorded data as a WAV file wf = wave.open(file_name, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(channels) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(sample_format)) wf.setframerate(fs) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) wf.close() print('Finished save file')
2. 定时函数,该函数用timer实现了特地时间的动作触发。
def func(): print("start rec audio") rec_start() timer = threading.Timer(86400,func) timer.start() now_time = datetime.datetime.now() next_time = now_time + datetime.timedelta(days=+1) next_year = next_time.date().year next_month = next_time.date().month next_day = next_time.date().day #get next day 3:00 time next_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(next_year)+"-"+str(next_month)+"-"+str(next_day)+" 03:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timer_start_time = (next_time - now_time).total_seconds() print(timer_start_time) timer = threading.Timer(timer_start_time,func) timer.start()
三 总结
作者:虚生 出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/dylancao/ 以音频和传感器算法为核心的智能可穿戴产品解决方案提供商 ,提供可穿戴智能软硬件解决方案的设计,开发和咨询服务。 勾搭热线:邮箱:1173496664@qq.com weixin:18019245820 市场技术对接群:347609188 |
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