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一 简介


Cordio-B50 stack is designed specifically for Bluetooth low energy single-mode products catering to the power sensitive
Internet of Things (IoT) market. With its small code size, easy-to-use APIs, and portable architecture, the Cordio stack is a
superior solution for companies looking to develop Bluetooth low energy semiconductors while reducing time-to-
Cordio-B50 profiles provide a production-ready solution for creating interoperable Bluetooth® low energy products. This
unique approach to profiles provides our customers with sample applications built on a software framework that
simplifies development and porting.


二  架构和特性:


• Generic Attribute Protocol (GATT) and Attribute Protocol (ATT):
efficient data transactions
• Generic Access Profile (GAP): Connection and device
• Security Manager Protocol (SMP): Pairing and authentication
• L2CAP: Streamlined data transport
• HCI: “Thin” HCI or full transport-based HCI
• Wireless Software Foundation (WSF): Portable OS services and




三 价值和作用

A 让芯片公司快速的推出IOT产品

B 熟悉研究ble协议栈的首选,全开源,并且应用广泛。

C 代码逻辑清晰,值得借鉴。

四 延伸

1 详细文档:

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2 github有源码

posted on 2022-04-12 11:37  虚生  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报