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path name = '/home/User/Desktop/file.txt'

在上面的这个例子中,路径名字file.txt称之为tail 路径‘/home/User/Desktop/’ 称之为head。tail部分永远不会包含斜杠符号。如果这个路径名字以斜杠结束,那么tail就是为空。

    path                             head                 tail
'/home/user/Desktop/file.txt'   '/home/user/Desktop/'   'file.txt'
'/home/user/Desktop/'           '/home/user/Desktop/'    {empty}
'file.txt'                           {empty}            'file.txt'


1 实例一:

# Python program to explain os.path.split() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# path 
path = '/home/User/Desktop/file.txt'
# Split the path in  
# head and tail pair 
head_tail = os.path.split(path) 
# print head and tail 
# of the specified path 
print("Head of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[1], "\n") 
# path 
path = '/home/User/Desktop/'
# Split the path in  
# head and tail pair 
head_tail = os.path.split(path) 
# print head and tail 
# of the specified path 
print("Head of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[1], "\n") 
# path 
path = 'file.txt'
# Split the path in  
# head and tail pair 
head_tail = os.path.split(path) 
# print head and tail 
# of the specified path 
print("Head of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of '% s:'" % path, head_tail[1]) 

2 结果:

Head of '/home/User/Desktop/file.txt': /home/User/Desktop
Tail of '/home/User/Desktop/file.txt': file.txt 

Head of '/home/User/Desktop/': /home/User/Desktop
Tail of '/home/User/Desktop/':  

Head of 'file.txt': 
Tail of 'file.txt': file.txt

3 实例二

# Python program to explain os.path.split() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# path 
path = '' 
# Split the path in  
# head and tail pair 
head_tail = os.path.split(path) 
# print head and tail 
# of the specified path 
print("Head of '% s':" % path, head_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of '% s':" % path, head_tail[1]) 
# os.path.split() function 
# will return empty 
# head and tail if  
# specified path is empty 

4 测试结果:

Head of '': 
Tail of '':


1 经典案例

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