Duilib 入门第一个程序,可拖动的窗口
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class CDuiFrameWnd : public CWindowWnd, public INotifyUI { public : CDuiFrameWnd(); ~CDuiFrameWnd(); virtual LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName() const ; virtual CDuiString GetSkinFile() { return _T( "duilib.xml" ); } virtual CDuiString GetSkinFolder() { return _T( "" ); } virtual void Notify(TNotifyUI & msg); virtual LRESULT HandleMessage( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnCreate( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); virtual LRESULT OnNcHitTest( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnSize( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnNcActivate( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnNcCalcSize( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnSysCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnGetMinMaxInfo( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled); private : BOOL IsInStaticControl(CControlUI * pControl); protected : CPaintManagerUI m_PaintManager; CControlUI *m_pHelloBtn; CControlUI *m_pRoot; }; CDuiFrameWnd::CDuiFrameWnd() { m_pRoot = NULL; m_pHelloBtn = NULL; } CDuiFrameWnd::~CDuiFrameWnd() { } //cpp文件 LPCTSTR CDuiFrameWnd::GetWindowClassName() const { return _T( "DuiFrameWnd" ); } void CDuiFrameWnd::Notify(TNotifyUI & msg) { if (msg.sType == _T( "click" )) { if (msg.pSender->GetName() == _T( "closebtn" )) { ::PostQuitMessage(WM_QUIT); } if (msg.pSender->GetName() == _T( "btnHello" )) { MessageBox(NULL, _T( "我是按钮" ), _T( "点击了按钮" ), NULL); } } } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnCreate( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { LONG styleValue = ::GetWindowLong(* this , GWL_STYLE); styleValue &= ~WS_CAPTION; ::SetWindowLong(* this , GWL_STYLE, styleValue | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); m_PaintManager.Init(m_hWnd); //主窗口类与窗口句柄关联 CDialogBuilder builder; CControlUI* pRoot = builder.Create(_T( "layout.xml" ), ( UINT )0, NULL, &m_PaintManager); //加载XML并动态创建界面无素,与布局界面元素,核心函数单独分析 //注意:CDialogBuilder 并不是一个对话框类 ASSERT(pRoot && "Failed to parse XML" ); if (NULL == pRoot) //如果找不到皮肤文件则退出 { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT( "Cant not find the skin!" ), NULL, MB_ICONHAND); return 0; } m_PaintManager.AttachDialog(pRoot); //附加控件数据到HASH表中……为pRoot作为对话框结点,为其创建控件树 m_PaintManager.AddNotifier( this ); //增加通知处理 return 0; } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::HandleMessage( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRes = 0; BOOL bHandled = TRUE; switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: lRes = OnCreate(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_DESTROY: ::PostQuitMessage(0); bHandled = FALSE; break ; case WM_NCHITTEST: lRes = OnNcHitTest(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE) //ESC { Close(); } break ; case WM_SIZE: lRes = OnSize(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_NCACTIVATE: lRes = OnNcActivate(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: lRes = true ; OnGetMinMaxInfo(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: lRes = OnSysCommand(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; case WM_NCCALCSIZE: lRes = OnNcCalcSize(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break ; default : bHandled = FALSE; break ; } if (bHandled) return lRes; if (m_PaintManager.MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes) != 0) return lRes; return CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnGetMinMaxInfo( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { MONITORINFO oMonitor = {}; oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof (oMonitor); ::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(* this , MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor); CDuiRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork; rcWork.Offset(-rcWork.left, -rcWork.top); LPMINMAXINFO lpMMI = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; lpMMI->ptMaxPosition.x = rcWork.left; lpMMI->ptMaxPosition.y = rcWork.top; lpMMI->ptMaxSize.x = rcWork.right; lpMMI->ptMaxSize.y = rcWork.bottom; bHandled = FALSE; return 0; } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnSysCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { if (wParam == SC_CLOSE) { bHandled = TRUE; SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); return 0; } #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) BOOL bZoomed = ::IsZoomed(* this ); LRESULT lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (::IsZoomed(* this ) != bZoomed) { } #else LRESULT lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); #endif return lRes; } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnNcCalcSize( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { return 0; // wParam为TRUE时,返回0将会使窗口的大小变为客户区的大小,也就是说这将把窗口的标题栏、窗口边框移除,只显示客户区 } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnNcActivate( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { if (::IsIconic(* this )) bHandled = FALSE; return (wParam == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnSize( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { SIZE szRoundCorner = m_PaintManager.GetRoundCorner(); // GetRoundCorner用来获取xml中的Window标签中roundcorner属性值,该值指示圆角的长宽 if (!::IsIconic(* this ) && (szRoundCorner.cx != 0 || szRoundCorner.cy != 0)) { CDuiRect rcWnd; ::GetWindowRect(* this , &rcWnd); rcWnd.Offset(-rcWnd.left, -rcWnd.top); // rcWnd.right就成为了窗口的宽度了 rcWnd.right++; rcWnd.bottom++; HRGN hRgn = ::CreateRoundRectRgn(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top, rcWnd.right, rcWnd.bottom, szRoundCorner.cx, szRoundCorner.cy); ::SetWindowRgn(* this , hRgn, TRUE); // 窗口圆角化处理 ::DeleteObject(hRgn); } bHandled = FALSE; return 0; } LRESULT CDuiFrameWnd::OnNcHitTest( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled) { POINT pt; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ::ScreenToClient(* this , &pt); RECT rcClient; ::GetClientRect(* this , &rcClient); if (!::IsZoomed(* this )) { RECT rcSizeBox = m_PaintManager.GetSizeBox(); // GetSizeBox用来获取xml中Window标签的sizebox属性,该属性指示你的鼠标移动到窗口边框多少个像素会变成指示符(这个指示符表示可以改变窗口大小的指示符) if (pt.y < rcClient.top + rcSizeBox.top) { if (pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left) return HTTOPLEFT; if (pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right) return HTTOPRIGHT; return HTTOP; } else if (pt.y > rcClient.bottom - rcSizeBox.bottom) { if (pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left) return HTBOTTOMLEFT; if (pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right) return HTBOTTOMRIGHT; return HTBOTTOM; } if (pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left) return HTLEFT; if (pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right) return HTRIGHT; } RECT rcCaption = m_PaintManager.GetCaptionRect(); // GetCaptionRect用来获取xml中Window标签的caption属性,该属性指示标题栏的大小 if (pt.x >= rcClient.left + rcCaption.left && pt.x < rcClient.right - rcCaption.right && pt.y >= rcCaption.top && pt.y < rcCaption.bottom) { CControlUI* pControl = static_cast <CControlUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(pt)); if (pControl && _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T( "ButtonUI" )) != 0 && _tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T( "OptionUI" )) != 0) return HTCAPTION; } return HTCLIENT; } int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(hInstance); CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath() + _T( "skin" )); HRESULT Hr = ::CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(Hr)) return 0; CDuiFrameWnd * duiFrame = new CDuiFrameWnd(); if (duiFrame == NULL) return 0; //#define UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME (WS_VISIBLE | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) duiFrame->Create(NULL, _T( "测试" ), UI_WNDSTYLE_EX_FRAME, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); duiFrame->CenterWindow(); //将窗口放到桌面中央 duiFrame->ShowWindow( true ); CPaintManagerUI::MessageLoop(); ::CoUninitialize(); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < Window size="800,600" sizebox="4,4,4,4" caption="0,0,0,32" mininfo="600,400"> < VerticalLayout bkcolor="#FF008080" bkcolor2="#FFAAAAA0"> < HorizontalLayout height="32" bkcolor="#FFE6E6DC" bkcolor2="#FFAAAAA0"> < VerticalLayout /> < VerticalLayout width="77"> < Button name="minbtn" text="-" tooltip="最小化" float="true" pos="0,5,0,0" width="23" height="19" textcolor="#FF000000" disabledtextcolor="#FFA7A6AA" align="center" normalimage=" file='SysBtn\MinNormal.bmp' " hotimage=" file='SysBtn\MinFocus.bmp' " pushedimage=" file='SysBtn\MinFocus.bmp' " /> < Button name="maxbtn" text="口" tooltip="最大化" float="true" pos="22,5,0,0" width="23" height="19" textcolor="#FF000000" disabledtextcolor="#FFA7A6AA" align="center" normalimage=" file='SysBtn\MaxNormal.bmp' " hotimage=" file='SysBtn\MaxFocus.bmp' " pushedimage=" file='SysBtn\MaxFocus.bmp' " /> < Button name="restorebtn" tooltip="还原" visible="false" float="true" pos="22,5,0,0" width="23" height="19" align="center" normalimage=" file='SysBtn\StoreNormal.bmp' " hotimage=" file='SysBtn\StoreFocus.bmp' " pushedimage=" file='SysBtn\StoreFocus.bmp' " /> < Button name="closebtn" text="x" tooltip="关闭" float="true" pos="44,5,0,0" width="28" height="19" textcolor="#FF000000" disabledtextcolor="#FFA7A6AA" align="center" normalimage=" file='SysBtn\CloseNormal.bmp' " hotimage=" file='SysBtn\CloseFocus.bmp' " pushedimage=" file='SysBtn\CloseFocus.bmp' " /> </ VerticalLayout > </ HorizontalLayout > < Button name="btnHello" text="hello " float="true" pos="446,314,0,0" width="60" height="30" bkcolor="#FFFF0000" textcolor="#FF000000" disabledtextcolor="#FFA7A6AA" align="center" /> </ VerticalLayout > </ Window > |
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