

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")

# opencv
#set(opencv_dir "./3rdparty/opencv/opencv-linux-aarch64")
set(opencv_dir "./3rdparty/opencv/opencv-linux-x64")
set(OpenCV_LIBS opencv_core opencv_features2d opencv_imgcodecs opencv_imgproc)

#find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

#set(tnn_dir "./3rdparty/tnn/tnn_linux_aarch64")
set(tnn_dir "./3rdparty/tnn/tnn_linux")

add_executable(tnn_test_aarch main.cpp tnn_test.cpp mnn_test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tnn_test_aarch ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${TNN_LIBS})


// Created by DangXS on 2022/12/8. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <cfloat> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include "tnn/core/common.h" #include "tnn/core/instance.h" #include "tnn/core/macro.h" #include "tnn/core/tnn.h" #include "tnn/utils/blob_converter.h" #include "tnn/utils/cpu_utils.h" #include "tnn/utils/data_type_utils.h" #include "tnn/utils/dims_vector_utils.h" #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; #define LITETNN_DEBUG #define DEVICE_X86 0x0010 #define DEVICE_ARM 0x0020 #define DEVICE_OPENCL 0x1000 //#define DEVICE DEVICE_X86 #define DEVICE DEVICE_ARM //#define DEVICE DEVICE_OPENCL // static methods. // reference: std::string content_buffer_from(const char *proto_or_model_path) { std::ifstream file(proto_or_model_path, std::ios::binary); if (file.is_open()) { file.seekg(0, std::ifstream::end); int size = file.tellg(); char *content = new char[size]; file.seekg(0, std::ifstream::beg);, size); std::string file_content; file_content.assign(content, size); delete[] content; file.close(); return file_content; } // empty buffer else { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << "Can not open " << proto_or_model_path << "\n"; #endif return ""; } } // static methods. tnn::DimsVector get_input_shape( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { tnn::DimsVector shape = {}; tnn::BlobMap blob_map = {}; if (_instance) { _instance->GetAllInputBlobs(blob_map); } if (name == "" && blob_map.size() > 0) if (blob_map.begin()->second) shape = blob_map.begin()->second->GetBlobDesc().dims; if (blob_map.find(name) != blob_map.end() && blob_map[name]) { shape = blob_map[name]->GetBlobDesc().dims; } return shape; } // static methods. tnn::DimsVector get_output_shape( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { tnn::DimsVector shape = {}; tnn::BlobMap blob_map = {}; if (_instance) { _instance->GetAllOutputBlobs(blob_map); } if (name == "" && blob_map.size() > 0) if (blob_map.begin()->second) shape = blob_map.begin()->second->GetBlobDesc().dims; if (blob_map.find(name) != blob_map.end() && blob_map[name]) { shape = blob_map[name]->GetBlobDesc().dims; } return shape; } // static methods. std::vector<std::string> get_input_names( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance) { std::vector<std::string> names; if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap blob_map; _instance->GetAllInputBlobs(blob_map); for (const auto &item : blob_map) { names.push_back(item.first); } } return names; } // static method std::vector<std::string> get_output_names( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance) { std::vector<std::string> names; if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap blob_map; _instance->GetAllOutputBlobs(blob_map); for (const auto &item : blob_map) { names.push_back(item.first); } } return names; } // static method tnn::MatType get_output_mat_type( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap output_blobs; _instance->GetAllOutputBlobs(output_blobs); auto blob = (name == "") ? output_blobs.begin()->second : output_blobs[name]; if (blob->GetBlobDesc().data_type == tnn::DATA_TYPE_INT32) { return tnn::NC_INT32; } } return tnn::NCHW_FLOAT; } // static method tnn::DataFormat get_output_data_format( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap output_blobs; _instance->GetAllOutputBlobs(output_blobs); auto blob = (name == "") ? output_blobs.begin()->second : output_blobs[name]; return blob->GetBlobDesc().data_format; } return tnn::DATA_FORMAT_NCHW; } // static method tnn::MatType get_input_mat_type( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap input_blobs; _instance->GetAllInputBlobs(input_blobs); auto blob = (name == "") ? input_blobs.begin()->second : input_blobs[name]; if (blob->GetBlobDesc().data_type == tnn::DATA_TYPE_INT32) { return tnn::NC_INT32; } } return tnn::NCHW_FLOAT; } // static method tnn::DataFormat get_input_data_format( const std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> &_instance, std::string name) { if (_instance) { tnn::BlobMap input_blobs; _instance->GetAllInputBlobs(input_blobs); auto blob = (name == "") ? input_blobs.begin()->second : input_blobs[name]; return blob->GetBlobDesc().data_format; } return tnn::DATA_FORMAT_NCHW; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *proto_path = "./1.tnnproto"; const char *model_path = "./1.tnnmodel"; // const char *proto_path = "./1.param"; // const char *model_path = "./1.bin"; // Note, tnn:: actually is TNN_NS::, I prefer the first one. std::shared_ptr<tnn::TNN> net; std::shared_ptr<tnn::Instance> instance; std::shared_ptr<tnn::Mat> input_mat; // assume single input. std::string proto_content_buffer, model_content_buffer; proto_content_buffer = content_buffer_from(proto_path); model_content_buffer = content_buffer_from(model_path); tnn::ModelConfig model_config; model_config.model_type = tnn::MODEL_TYPE_TNN; // model_config.model_type = tnn::MODEL_TYPE_NCNN; model_config.params = {proto_content_buffer, model_content_buffer}; // 1. init TNN net tnn::Status status; net = std::make_shared<tnn::TNN>(); status = net->Init(model_config); model_config.params.clear(); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK || !net) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << "CreateInst failed!\t" << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif std::cout << "net->Init failed!\n"; return -100; } // 2. init device type, change this default setting // for better performance. such as CUDA/OPENCL/... auto _device = (tnn::DeviceType) DEVICE; tnn::DeviceType network_device_type = _device; // CPU,GPU tnn::DeviceType input_device_type = _device; // CPU only tnn::DeviceType output_device_type = _device; const unsigned int num_threads = 2; int input_batch; int input_channel; int input_height; int input_width; unsigned int input_value_size; tnn::DataFormat input_data_format; // e.g DATA_FORMAT_NHWC tnn::MatType input_mat_type; // e.g NCHW_FLOAT // Actually, i prefer to hardcode the input/output names // into subclasses, but we just let the auto detection here // to make sure the debug information can show more details. std::string input_name; // assume single input only. std::vector<std::string> output_names; // assume >= 1 outputs. tnn::DimsVector input_shape; // vector<int> std::map<std::string, tnn::DimsVector> output_shapes; // 3. init instance tnn::NetworkConfig network_config; network_config.library_path = {""}; network_config.device_type = network_device_type; instance = net->CreateInst(network_config, status); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK || !instance) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << "CreateInst failed!" << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif return -200; } // 4. setting up num_threads instance->SetCpuNumThreads((int) num_threads); // 5. init input information. input_name = get_input_names(instance).front(); printf("input_name: %s\n", input_name.c_str()); input_shape = get_input_shape(instance, input_name); printf("input_shape: \n\t"); for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.size(); ++i) { printf(" %d", input_shape[i]); } printf("\n"); if (input_shape.size() != 4) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG throw std::runtime_error("Found input_shape.size()!=4, but " "BasicTNNHandler only support 4 dims." "Such as NCHW, NHWC ..."); #else return -400; #endif } input_mat_type = get_input_mat_type(instance, input_name); input_data_format = get_input_data_format(instance, input_name); printf("input_data_format: %d\n", input_data_format); input_batch =; input_channel =; input_height =; input_width =; // 6. init input_mat input_value_size = input_batch * input_channel * input_height * input_width; // 7. init output information, debug only. output_names = get_output_names(instance); int num_outputs = output_names.size(); printf("output_names: \n\t"); for (auto &name: output_names) { output_shapes[name] = get_output_shape(instance, name); printf("%s, ", name.c_str()); } printf("\n"); // forward string img_path = "./1.jpg"; cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(img_path); assert(!mat.empty()); // In TNN: x*scale + bias std::vector<float> scale_vals = { (1.0f / 0.229f) * (1.0 / 255.f), (1.0f / 0.224f) * (1.0 / 255.f), (1.0f / 0.225f) * (1.0 / 255.f) }; std::vector<float> bias_vals = { -0.485f * 255.f * (1.0f / 0.229f) * (1.0 / 255.f), -0.456f * 255.f * (1.0f / 0.224f) * (1.0 / 255.f), -0.406f * 255.f * (1.0f / 0.225f) * (1.0 / 255.f) }; // 1. make input mat cv::Mat mat_rs; cv::resize(mat, mat_rs, cv::Size(input_width, input_height)); cv::cvtColor(mat_rs, mat_rs, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); // // Format Types: (0: NCHW FLOAT), (1: 8UC3), (2: 8UC1) // tnn::DataType data_type = tnn::DataType::DATA_TYPE_INT8; // int bytes = tnn::DimsVectorUtils::Count(input_shape) * tnn::DataTypeUtils::GetBytesSize(data_type); // void *mat_data = malloc(bytes); // input_mat = std::make_shared<tnn::Mat>(input_device_type, tnn::N8UC3, input_shape, mat_data); // push into input_mat (1,3,224,224) input_mat = std::make_shared<tnn::Mat>(input_device_type, tnn::N8UC3, input_shape, (void *); assert(input_mat->GetData()!= nullptr); // 2. set input_mat tnn::MatConvertParam input_cvt_param; input_cvt_param.scale = scale_vals; input_cvt_param.bias = bias_vals; status = instance->SetInputMat(input_mat, input_cvt_param); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif return -500; } // 3. forward double c1 = cv::getTickCount(); status = instance->Forward(); double c2 = cv::getTickCount(); auto spend_time = (c2 - c1) / cv::getTickFrequency(); printf("forward elapsed: %f ms\n", spend_time); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif return -600; } // 4. fetch. tnn::MatConvertParam cvt_param; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<tnn::Mat>> feat_mats; for (int i = 0; i < output_names.size(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr<tnn::Mat> feat_mat; status = instance->GetOutputMat(feat_mat, cvt_param, output_names[i], output_device_type); feat_mats.push_back(feat_mat); } printf("net output: \n"); for (int i = 0; i < output_names.size(); ++i) { printf("name: %s\t\tfeat shape: %d %d %d %d\n", output_names[i].c_str(), feat_mats[i]->GetBatch(), feat_mats[i]->GetChannel(), feat_mats[i]->GetHeight(), feat_mats[i]->GetWidth()); float *data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(feat_mats[i]->GetData()); for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { std::cout << data[j] << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; } printf("\n"); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif return -700; } // release // free(mat_data); status = net->DeInit(); if (status != tnn::TNN_OK || !net) { #ifdef LITETNN_DEBUG std::cout << "DeInit failed!" << status.description().c_str() << "\n"; #endif std::cout << "net->DeInit failed!\n"; return -1000; } return 0; }


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