使用RealSense D435i深度相机 -- pyrealsense2 读取流和保存数据
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ @version: v1.0 @author: Jory.d @contact: 707564875@qq.com @site: @software: PyCharm @file: read_realsense_stream2.py @desc: 读取realsense流, 保存数据(包括图像数据 深度数据 点云数据) 连接realsense相机进行录像, 按照帧序号保存 彩色图 深度图 点云图(ply & pcd) 经过测试, 保存的点云图都可以使用pcl_viewer 打开和查看, pcd文件的纹理色彩也是没问题的 """ import sys sys.path.append('.') import platform os_name = platform.system() if os_name == 'Linux': sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib') sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python3.7/pyrealsense2') import pyrealsense2 as rs import os, os.path as osp import shutil import numpy as np import cv2 import shutil import glob WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 FPS = 15 SKIP_FRAME = 4 save_path = '/media/xxx/20221109/realsense_data_20221109/' MAX_FRAME_NUM = 100 def save(): if osp.exists(save_path): shutil.rmtree(save_path) os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) ctx = rs.context() _devices = ctx.query_devices() if len(_devices) == 0: print("No device connected, please connect a RealSense device.") return -100 # Configure depth and color streams pipeline = rs.pipeline(ctx) config = rs.config() config.enable_stream(rs.stream.depth, WIDTH, HEIGHT, rs.format.z16, FPS) config.enable_stream(rs.stream.color, WIDTH, HEIGHT, rs.format.rgb8, FPS) if config.can_resolve(pipeline): config.resolve(pipeline) else: print('rs.config().resolve() failed. please check rs.config.') return -200 # Start streaming pipe_profile = pipeline.start(config) _device = pipe_profile.get_device() if _device is None: print('pipe_profile.get_device() is None .') return -400 assert _device is not None depth_sensor = _device.first_depth_sensor() g_depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale() # 0.00100... device_product_line = str(_device.get_info(rs.camera_info.product_line)) print(device_product_line) found_rgb = False for s in _device.sensors: if s.get_info(rs.camera_info.name) == 'RGB Camera': found_rgb = True break if not found_rgb: print("The demo requires Depth camera with Color sensor") exit(0) align_to = rs.stream.color # align_to = rs.stream.depth align = rs.align(align_to) # Getting the depth sensor's depth scale (see rs-align example for explanation) depth_sensor = pipe_profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor() depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale() print("Depth Scale is: ", depth_scale) # We will be removing the background of objects more than clipping_distance_in_meters meters away clipping_distance_in_meters = 6 # 6 meter clipping_distance = clipping_distance_in_meters / depth_scale # Processing blocks pc = rs.pointcloud() g_colorizer = rs.colorizer(0) ################################################################################### # realsense-viewer 软件里的postprocess顺序是: """ decimation_filter --> HDR Merge --> threshold_filter --> Depth to Disparity --> spatial_filter --> temporal_filter --> Disparity to Depth """ # 使用rs内部的接口进行点云滤波 g_rs_downsample_filter = rs.decimation_filter( magnitude=2 ** 1, ) # 下采样率 g_rs_thres_filter = rs.threshold_filter(min_dist=0.1, max_dist=5.0) g_rs_spatical_filter = rs.spatial_filter( magnitude=2, smooth_alpha=0.5, smooth_delta=20, hole_fill=0, ) g_rs_templ_filter = rs.temporal_filter( smooth_alpha=0.1, smooth_delta=40., persistence_control=3 ) g_rs_depth2disparity_trans = rs.disparity_transform(True) g_rs_disparity2depth_trans = rs.disparity_transform(False) g_rs_depth_postprocess_list = [ g_rs_downsample_filter, g_rs_thres_filter, g_rs_depth2disparity_trans, g_rs_spatical_filter, g_rs_templ_filter, g_rs_disparity2depth_trans ] ################################################################################### i = 0 while i < MAX_FRAME_NUM: i += 1 ret, frames = pipeline.try_wait_for_frames() if not ret: print('try_wait_for_frames() failed.') break if i > 0 and i % SKIP_FRAME != 0: continue # align align_frames = align.process(frames) frames = align_frames frame_num = frames.frame_number timestamp = frames.timestamp profile = frames.profile depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame() color_frame = frames.get_color_frame() # Validate that both frames are valid if not depth_frame or not color_frame: continue depth_frame_filter = depth_frame for trans in g_rs_depth_postprocess_list: depth_frame_filter = trans.process(depth_frame_filter) depth_frame = depth_frame_filter # Convert images to numpy arrays depth_img = np.asanyarray(depth_frame.get_data()) color_img = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) depth_colormap = g_colorizer.colorize(depth_frame) depth_colormap = np.asarray(depth_colormap.get_data()) print('timestramp: ', timestamp) print('frame_num: ', frame_num) print('color_img.shape: ', color_img.shape) print('depth_img.shape: ', depth_img.shape) # 得到 相机的内参和外参, align之后参数可能会改变 # 当depth进行一系列滤波之后, 两者的内参会不一样, 主要是下采样导致的 # 内参要以 color_intrin 为主 g_intrinsics = frames.get_profile().as_video_stream_profile().get_intrinsics() color_intrin = color_frame.get_profile().as_video_stream_profile().get_intrinsics() depth_intrin = depth_frame.get_profile().as_video_stream_profile().get_intrinsics() g_color_intrinsics_matrix = np.array([ [color_intrin.fx, 0., color_intrin.ppx], [0., color_intrin.fy, color_intrin.ppy], [0, 0, 1.] ]) g_depth_intrinsics_matrix = np.array([ [depth_intrin.fx, 0., depth_intrin.ppx], [0., depth_intrin.fy, depth_intrin.ppy], [0, 0, 1.] ]) extrinsics = depth_frame.get_profile().get_extrinsics_to(color_frame.get_profile()) rotation, translation = extrinsics.rotation, extrinsics.translation ppx, ppy = depth_intrin.ppx, depth_intrin.ppy fx, fy = depth_intrin.fx, depth_intrin.fy coeffs = depth_intrin.coeffs # mapped_frame, color_source = depth_frame, depth_colormap mapped_frame, color_source = color_frame, color_img points = pc.calculate(depth_frame) pc.map_to(mapped_frame) v, t = points.get_vertices(), points.get_texture_coordinates() pointcloud_xyz = np.asanyarray(v).view(np.float32).reshape(-1, 3) # xyz shape: [N,3] # texcoords are [0..1] and relative to top-left pixel corner, # multiply by size and add 0.5 to center texcoords = np.asanyarray(t).view(np.float32).reshape(-1, 2) # uv 色彩 cw, ch = color_img.shape[:2][::-1] v, u = (texcoords * (cw, ch) + 0.5).astype(np.uint32).T # clip texcoords to image np.clip(u, 0, ch - 1, out=u) np.clip(v, 0, cw - 1, out=v) pointcloud_rgb = color_img[u, v] # rgb shape: [N,3] # print(f'pointcloud_xyz: {pointcloud_xyz.shape}') # print(f'pointcloud_rgb: {pointcloud_rgb.shape}') # 获取点云数据方法1 pointcloud_data_ply = pointcloud_xyz pointcloud_data_pcd = np.concatenate([pointcloud_xyz, pointcloud_rgb], axis=1) # # 保存 realsense格式的ply点云文件 带纹理色彩 # save_filepath = f'{save_path}/pointcloud_3d/{frame_num}.realsense.ply' # os.makedirs(osp.dirname(save_filepath), exist_ok=True) # points.export_to_ply(save_filepath, mapped_frame) # 保存 RGB图像数据和深度数据 img_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Apply colormap on depth image (image must be converted to 8-bit per pixel first) # depth_img_color = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs(depth_img, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # ################################## save img ############################## save_filepath = f'{save_path}/color/{frame_num}.png' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(save_filepath), exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(save_filepath, img_bgr) save_filepath = f'{save_path}/color/{frame_num}.npy' np.save(save_filepath, depth_img) # 保存深度图像 # depth_img_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(depth_colormap, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) save_filepath = f'{save_path}/depth/{frame_num}.png' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(save_filepath), exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(save_filepath, depth_colormap) ## 保存点云 save_filepath = f'{save_path}/pointcloud_3d/{frame_num}.ply' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(save_filepath), exist_ok=True) # 获取点云数据方法2 pointcloud_data_ply = depth2xyz(depth_img, g_depth_intrinsics_matrix, g_depth_scale) save_2_ply(pointcloud_data_ply, save_filepath) save_filepath = f'{save_path}/pointcloud_3d/{frame_num}.pcd' pointcloud_data_pcd = depth2xyzrgb(color_img, depth_img, g_depth_intrinsics_matrix, g_depth_scale) save_2_pcd(pointcloud_data_pcd, save_filepath) # Show images if img_bgr.shape[:2] != depth_colormap.shape[:2]: _H,_W = depth_colormap.shape[:2] img_bgr = cv2.resize(img_bgr, (_W,_H)) images = np.hstack((img_bgr, depth_colormap)) if images.shape[1] > 1200: images = cv2.resize(images, dsize=None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5) cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('RealSense', images) cv2.waitKey(1) pipeline.stop() print('read stream end ...') def depth2xyz(depth_map, depth_cam_matrix, flatten=True, depth_scale=0.0010): """ https://blog.csdn.net/tycoer/article/details/106761886 # 深度转点云 https://blog.csdn.net/FUTEROX/article/details/126128581 depth_map = np.random.randint(0,10000,(720, 1280)) depth_cam_matrix = np.array([[540, 0, 640], [0, 540,360], [0, 0, 1]]) pc = depth2xyz(depth_map, depth_cam_matrix) """ fx, fy = depth_cam_matrix[0, 0], depth_cam_matrix[1, 1] cx, cy = depth_cam_matrix[0, 2], depth_cam_matrix[1, 2] h, w = np.mgrid[0:depth_map.shape[0], 0:depth_map.shape[1]] z = depth_map * depth_scale x = (w - cx) * z / fx y = (h - cy) * z / fy xyz = np.dstack((x, y, z)).reshape(-1, 3) if flatten else np.dstack((x, y, z)) # xyz=cv2.rgbd.depthTo3d(depth_map,depth_cam_matrix) # ################ pcl 坐标轴是 右手坐标系, 需要把realsense的坐标轴转换下 ################ # ## realsense坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直方向下 Z代表深度距离内 # ## 右手坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直向上 Z代表深度距离向外 # ## 左手坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直向上 Z代表深度距离向内 xyz[:, [1, 2]] *= -1. # ################ ################ ################ ################ ################ return xyz # [N,3] def save_2_ply(pointcloud_xyz, save_filepath): data_ply = pointcloud_xyz ##################### save *.ply ########################### # data_ply.shape: [N,3] or [N,6] assert isinstance(data_ply, np.ndarray) is_color = data_ply.shape[1] == 6 float_formatter = lambda x: "%.4f" % x points = [] for i in data_ply: if is_color: if np.alltrue(i[:3] == 0): continue points.append("{} {} {} {} {} {} 0\n".format (float_formatter(i[0]), float_formatter(i[1]), float_formatter(i[2]), int(i[3]), int(i[4]), int(i[5]))) else: if np.alltrue(i == 0): continue points.append("{} {} {}\n".format (float_formatter(i[0]), float_formatter(i[1]), float_formatter(i[2]), )) file = open(save_filepath, "w") if is_color: file.write('''ply format ascii 1.0 element vertex %d property float x property float y property float z property uchar red property uchar green property uchar blue property uchar alpha end_header %s ''' % (len(points), "".join(points))) else: file.write('''ply format ascii 1.0 element vertex %d property float x property float y property float z end_header %s ''' % (len(points), "".join(points))) file.close() ###################################################################### def depth2xyzrgb(color_map, depth_map, depth_cam_matrix, depth_scale=0.0010): """ https://blog.csdn.net/tycoer/article/details/106761886 # 深度转点云 https://blog.csdn.net/FUTEROX/article/details/126128581 color_map = np.random.randint(0,255,(720, 1280, 3)) depth_map = np.random.randint(0,10000,(720, 1280)) depth_cam_matrix = np.array([[540, 0, 640], [0, 540,360], [0, 0, 1]]) pc = depth2xyzrgb(color_map, depth_map, depth_cam_matrix) """ if depth_map.shape[:2] != color_map.shape[:2]: _h, _w = depth_map.shape[:2] color_map = cv2.resize(color_map, (_w, _h)) fx, fy = depth_cam_matrix[0, 0], depth_cam_matrix[1, 1] cx, cy = depth_cam_matrix[0, 2], depth_cam_matrix[1, 2] h, w = np.mgrid[0:depth_map.shape[0], 0:depth_map.shape[1]] # [H,W,2] z = depth_map * depth_scale x = (w - cx) * z / fx y = (h - cy) * z / fy x = x.reshape(-1) y = y.reshape(-1) z = z.reshape(-1) height, width = color_map.shape[:2] data_ply = np.zeros((6, width * height), dtype=np.float32) data_ply[0] = x.reshape(-1) data_ply[1] = y.reshape(-1) data_ply[2] = z.reshape(-1) data_ply[3] = color_map[:, :, 0].reshape(-1) data_ply[4] = color_map[:, :, 1].reshape(-1) data_ply[5] = color_map[:, :, 2].reshape(-1) data_ply = data_ply.T # [N,6] # ################ pcl 坐标轴是 右手坐标系, 需要把realsense的坐标轴转换下 ################ # ## realsense坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直方向下 Z代表深度距离内 # ## 右手坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直向上 Z代表深度距离向外 # ## 左手坐标系: X代表水平方向右 Y代表垂直向上 Z代表深度距离向内 data_ply[:, [1, 2]] *= -1. # ################ ################ ################ ################ ################ return data_ply def save_2_pcd(pointcloud_data_pcd, save_filepath): data_pcd = pointcloud_data_pcd assert isinstance(data_pcd, np.ndarray) # [N, 6] is_color = data_pcd.shape[1] == 6 float_formatter = lambda x: "%.4f" % x points = [] for i in data_pcd: if is_color: r, g, b = list(map(int, i[3:])) points.append("{} {} {} {}\n".format (float_formatter(i[0]), float_formatter(i[1]), float_formatter(i[2]), (np.int(r) << 16) | (np.int(g) << 8) | np.int(b), )) else: points.append("{} {} {}\n".format (float_formatter(i[0]), float_formatter(i[1]), float_formatter(i[2]), )) file = open(save_filepath, "w") if is_color: file.write('''# .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format VERSION 0.7 FIELDS x y z rgb SIZE 4 4 4 4 TYPE F F F U COUNT 1 1 1 1 WIDTH %d HEIGHT 1 VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 POINTS %d DATA ascii %s ''' % (len(points), len(points), "".join(points))) else: file.write('''# .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format VERSION 0.7 FIELDS x y z SIZE 4 4 4 TYPE F F F COUNT 1 1 1 WIDTH %d HEIGHT 1 VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 POINTS %d DATA ascii %s ''' % (len(points), len(points), "".join(points))) file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": print('hello') save()
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