#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8-*- # file: # @author: jory.d # @contact: # @time: 2022/01/07 22:41 # @desc: 模型测试, 查看误检和漏检 """ python tests/ """ import os import os.path as osp import copy import json import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from mmcv import Config from mmcv.cnn import fuse_conv_bn from mmcv.runner import (load_checkpoint) from mmdet.core.bbox.iou_calculators import bbox_overlaps from mmdet.datasets import build_dataset, build_dataloader from mmdet.models import build_detector BATCH_SIZE = 1 THRESHOLD = 0.6 CONFIG = "configs/xx/" WORK_DIR = "train_result/20221011_cfg_2_ssd_128x128-11" EPOCH = 1340 CKPT = f"{WORK_DIR}/epoch_{EPOCH}.pth" SAVE_DIR = f"{WORK_DIR}/test_2" SAVE_IMG_FLAG = 1 TP_ASSIGN_IOU = 0.65 def build_model(): cfg = Config.fromfile(CONFIG) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True _ckpt = CKPT if not osp.isfile(_ckpt) or not osp.exists(_ckpt): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{_ckpt} is not existed.') # build the dataloader dataset = build_dataset( data_loader = build_dataloader( dataset, samples_per_gpu=BATCH_SIZE, workers_per_gpu=0, dist=False, shuffle=False) # build the model and load checkpoint cfg.model.train_cfg = None _test_cfg = cfg.get('test_cfg') if _test_cfg is None: _test_cfg = cfg.model.get('test_cfg') assert _test_cfg is not None cfg.model['test_cfg']['score_thr'] = 0.2 cfg.model['test_cfg']['nms']['iou_threshold'] = 0.5 model = build_detector(cfg.model) checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, _ckpt, map_location='cpu') model = fuse_conv_bn(model) model.eval() # old versions did not save class info in checkpoints, this walkaround is # for backward compatibility if 'CLASSES' in checkpoint.get('meta', {}): model.CLASSES = checkpoint['meta']['CLASSES'] else: model.CLASSES = dataset.CLASSES return data_loader, model def dummy_img(): INPUT_W, INPUT_H,INPUT_C = 128,128,3 MEAN = [128., ] * INPUT_C STD = [128., ] * INPUT_C # read pic img0 = cv2.imread("./14.png", cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # img0 = np.random.randint(0, 255, [INPUT_H, INPUT_W, 3], dtype=np.uint8) h, w = img0.shape[:2] # ========================== preprocess img ============================= img1 = cv2.resize(img0, (INPUT_W, INPUT_H)) ori_image = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # ori_image = img1 if 1 == INPUT_C: ori_image = cv2.cvtColor(ori_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) input_image = ori_image.astype(np.float32) - np.asarray(MEAN) input_image /= np.asarray(STD) input_image = input_image[np.newaxis, ...] else: # [h,w,c] input_image = ori_image.astype(np.float32) - np.asarray([[MEAN]]) input_image /= np.asarray([[STD]]) input_image = np.transpose(input_image, [2, 0, 1]) img_c, img_h, img_w = input_image.shape img_data = input_image[np.newaxis, :, :, :] return img_data @torch.no_grad() def model_test(): _dataloader, _model = build_model() _num_class = len(_model.CLASSES) miss_num = {i: 0 for i in range(_num_class)} error_num, true_num = copy.deepcopy(miss_num), copy.deepcopy(miss_num) total_num = copy.deepcopy(miss_num) ignore_num = 0 for i, data in enumerate(_dataloader): # if i >=1: break img_metas = data['img_metas'].data[0] img_tensors = data['img'].data[0] b, c, h, w = img_tensors.shape assert len(img_metas) == b print(img_tensors.dtype) a = np.asarray(dummy_img(), dtype=np.float32) img_tensors = torch.from_numpy(a) print(img_tensors) results = _model(return_loss=False, rescale=False, img=[img_tensors], img_metas=[img_metas]) print(results) exit(10) for jj, meta in enumerate(img_metas): # print(meta) img_filepath = meta['filename'] fname = osp.basename(img_filepath) ori_shape = meta['ori_shape'] # [h,w,c] mean = meta['img_norm_cfg']['mean'] std = meta['img_norm_cfg']['std'] gt_boxes = meta['gt_bboxes'].data gt_boxes_ignore = meta['gt_bboxes_ignore'].data gt_labels = meta['gt_labels'].data det_result = results[jj] #[class_0_res, class_1_res, ...] # print('det_result: ', det_result) # print('det_result size: ', det_result) # print('gt_boxes: ', gt_boxes.numpy()) for k, gt_label in enumerate(gt_labels.numpy()): total_num[gt_label] += 1 ignore_num += gt_boxes_ignore.shape[0] miss_labels, error_labels = [], [] miss_boxes, error_boxes = [], [] true_labels, true_boxes = [], [] if len(det_result) == 0: for k, gt_label in enumerate(gt_labels.numpy()): miss_num[gt_label] += 1 miss_labels.append(gt_label) miss_boxes.append(gt_boxes[k].numpy()) continue for class_idx, det_bboxes in enumerate(det_result): det_bboxes = np.asarray(det_bboxes) # [n,5] det_bboxes_src = det_bboxes[det_bboxes[:, -1] >= THRESHOLD] det_bboxes = det_bboxes_src[:, :4] _inds = (gt_labels == class_idx) _gt_boxes = gt_boxes[_inds] _gt_labels = gt_labels[_inds] # print('_gt_labels: ', _gt_labels) # print('_gt_boxes: ', _gt_boxes) # print(f'cls: {class_idx}, det_bboxes: {det_bboxes}') # continue det_num = det_bboxes.shape[0] gt_num = _gt_boxes.shape[0] gt_num2 = gt_boxes_ignore.shape[0] if det_num == 0 and gt_num > 0: miss_num[class_idx] += 1 miss_labels.append(_gt_labels.numpy()) miss_boxes.append(_gt_boxes.numpy()) elif gt_num == 0 and gt_num2 == 0 and det_num > 0: error_num[class_idx] += 1 error_labels.append([class_idx for _ in range(det_num)]) error_boxes.append(det_bboxes_src) else: _ious = bbox_overlaps(torch.from_numpy(det_bboxes), _gt_boxes, mode='iou') # [n,m] # print('_ious: ', _ious) assign_inds = [] _tp_labels, _fp_labels = [], [] _tp_boxes, _fp_boxes = [], [] for i, iou_d2gts in enumerate(_ious): is_assign = False # foreach ious of det_box and gt_boxes for j, iou in enumerate(iou_d2gts): if iou >= TP_ASSIGN_IOU and class_idx == _gt_labels[j]: is_assign = True assign_inds.append(j) _tp_labels.append(class_idx) _tp_boxes.append(det_bboxes_src[i]) break if not is_assign: _fp_labels.append(class_idx) _fp_boxes.append(det_bboxes_src[i]) # print(_tp_labels, _tp_boxes) if len(_tp_labels)>0: true_num[class_idx] += len(_tp_labels) true_labels.append(_tp_labels) true_boxes.append(_tp_boxes) if len(_fp_labels)>0: error_num[class_idx] += len(_fp_labels) error_labels.append(_fp_labels) error_boxes.append(_fp_boxes) all_gt_inds = [i for i in range(_gt_boxes.size(0))] if len(assign_inds) < len(all_gt_inds): miss_inds = list(set(all_gt_inds).difference(set(assign_inds))) if len(miss_inds) > 0: miss_num[class_idx] += len(miss_inds) miss_labels.append(_gt_labels[miss_inds].numpy()) miss_boxes.append(_gt_boxes[miss_inds].numpy()) print(f'miss_num: {miss_num}', f'error_num: {error_num}', f'true_num: {true_num}', f'total_num: {total_num}') _error_flag = len(error_labels) > 0 _miss_flag = len(miss_labels) > 0 _true_flag = len(true_labels) > 0 # if not _error_flag and not _miss_flag: # continue if _error_flag: # print('error_labels: ', error_labels) # print('error_boxes: ', error_boxes) error_labels = np.asarray(error_labels).reshape(-1) error_boxes = np.asarray(error_boxes).reshape(-1, 5) if _miss_flag: # print('miss_labels: ', miss_labels) # print('miss_boxes: ', miss_boxes) miss_labels = np.asarray(miss_labels).reshape(-1) miss_boxes = np.asarray(miss_boxes).reshape(-1, 4) if len(true_labels) > 0: true_labels = np.asarray(true_labels).reshape(-1) true_boxes = np.asarray(true_boxes).reshape(-1, 5) if SAVE_IMG_FLAG: img = img_tensors[jj].permute(1, 2, 0) # [c,h,w] img = img * std + mean _ch = img.size(-1) img = np.asarray(img.numpy(), dtype=np.uint8) if _ch == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(np.squeeze(img), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) else: img = img[:, :, ::-1] img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) h, w = img.shape[:2] for idx, (cls, box) in enumerate(zip(gt_labels, gt_boxes)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = list(map(int, box)) cls = int(cls) cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(img, f"cls:{cls}", (x1, max(5, y1 - 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1) for idx, (cls, box) in enumerate(zip(true_labels, true_boxes)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = list(map(int, box[:4])) p = box[-1] cls = int(cls) cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 0, 0), 1) # print(f'============= {x1,y1, x2,y2, p, cls}') cv2.putText(img, "cls:{}({:.2f})".format(cls, p), (x1, min(h - 10, y2 + 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 1) for idx, (cls, box) in enumerate(zip(miss_labels, miss_boxes)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = list(map(int, box)) cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 255, 0), 3) for idx, (cls, box) in enumerate(zip(error_labels, error_boxes)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = list(map(int, box[:4])) p = box[-1] cls = int(cls) cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.putText(img, "cls:{}({:.2f})".format(cls, p), (x1, min(h - 10, y2 + 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1) img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(0, 0), fx=2, fy=2) if _miss_flag: _savefilepath = f'{SAVE_DIR}/miss/{fname}' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(_savefilepath), exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(_savefilepath, img) if _error_flag: _savefilepath = f'{SAVE_DIR}/error/{fname}' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(_savefilepath), exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(_savefilepath, img) if _true_flag: _savefilepath = f'{SAVE_DIR}/true/{fname}' os.makedirs(osp.dirname(_savefilepath), exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(_savefilepath, img) ##################################################################### _report_json_path = f'{SAVE_DIR}/report.json' _data = {i: 0 for i in range(_num_class)} for i in range(_num_class): _data[i] = { "total": total_num[i], "ignore": ignore_num, "miss": miss_num[i], "miss_p": miss_num[i] / total_num[i], "error": error_num[i], "error_p": error_num[i] / total_num[i], "true": true_num[i], "true_p": true_num[i] / total_num[i], } from pprint import pprint pprint(_data) os.makedirs(osp.dirname(_report_json_path), exist_ok=True) with open(_report_json_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(_data, f, indent=4) print('done.') if __name__ == '__main__': model_test()