snmp 各工具下载地址




SnmpGet.exe [-q] -r:host [-p:port] [-t:timeout] [-v:version] [-c:community]
        [-ei:engine_id] [-sn:sec_name] [-ap:auth_proto] [-aw:auth_passwd]
        [-pp:priv_proto] [-pw:priv_passwd] [-cn:cont_name] [-ce:cont_engine]

   -q               Quiet mode.  只打印变量值
   -r:host          Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
   -p:port          SNMP port number on remote host. Default: 161
   -t:timeout       SNMP timeout in seconds (1-600). Default: 5
   -v:version       SNMP version. Supported version: 1, 2c or 3. Default: 1
   -c:community     SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: public
   -sn:sec_name     SNMP security name for SNMPv3.
   -ap:auth_proto   Authentication protocol. Supported: MD5, SHA (SNMPv3).
   -aw:auth_passwd  Authentication password (SNMPv3).
   -pp:priv_proto   Privacy protocol. Supported: DES, IDEA, AES128, AES192,
                    AES256, 3DES (SNMPv3).
   -pw:priv_passwd  Privacy password (SNMPv3).
   -ei:engine_id    Engine ID. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3).
   -cn:cont_name    Context name. (SNMPv3)
   -ce:cont_engine  Context engine. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3)
   -o:var_oid       Object ID (OID) of SNMP variable to GET.
SnmpGet.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"admin_rw" -o:.
SnmpGet.exe -r:MainRouter -q -v:2c -p:10161 -o:.
SnmpGet.exe -r:"::1" -v:3 -sn:SomeName -ap:MD5 -aw:SomeAuthPass -pp:DES -pw:SomePrivPass


SnmpWalk.exe [-q] -r:host [-p:port] [-t:timeout] [-v:version] [-c:community]
         [-ei:engine_id] [-sn:sec_name] [-ap:auth_proto] [-aw:auth_passwd]
         [-pp:priv_proto] [-pw:priv_passwd] [-ce:cont_engine] [-cn:cont_name]
         [-os:start_oid] [-op:stop_oid] [-csv]

   -q               Quiet mode (suppress header; print variable values only).
   -r:host          Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
   -p:port          SNMP port number on remote host. Default: 161
   -t:timeout       SNMP timeout in seconds (1-600). Default: 5
   -v:version       SNMP version. Supported version: 1, 2c or 3. Default: 1
   -c:community     SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: public
   -ei:engine_id    Engine ID. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3).
   -sn:sec_name     SNMP security name for SNMPv3.
   -ap:auth_proto   Authentication protocol. Supported: MD5, SHA (SNMPv3).
   -aw:auth_passwd  Authentication password (SNMPv3).
   -pp:priv_proto   Privacy protocol. Supported: DES, IDEA, AES128, AES192,
                    AES256, 3DES (SNMPv3).
   -pw:priv_passwd  Privacy password (SNMPv3).
   -cn:cont_name    Context name. (SNMPv3)
   -ce:cont_engine  Context engine. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3)
   -os:start_oid    Object ID (OID) of first SNMP variable to walk. Default:.1
   -op:stop_oid     Object ID (OID) of last SNMP variable to walk.
                    Default: walk to the very last variable.
   -csv             Output in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
SnmpWalk.exe -r:MainRouter -csv > output_file.csv
SnmpWalk.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"admin_rw" -os:.
SnmpWalk.exe -r:"::1" -v:3 -sn:SomeName -ap:MD5 -aw:SomeAuthPass -pp:DES -pw:SomePrivPass
              -os:. -op:. -q


SnmpSet.exe [-q] -r:host [-p:port] [-t:timeout] [-v:version] [-c:community]
        [-ei:engine_id] [-sn:sec_name] [-ap:auth_proto] [-aw:auth_passwd]
        [-pp:priv_proto] [-pw:priv_passwd] [-ce:cont_engine] [-cn:cont_name]
        -o:var_oid -val:value [-tp:type]

   -q               Quiet mode (suppress header)
   -r:host          Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
   -p:port          SNMP port number on remote host. Default: 161
   -t:timeout       SNMP timeout in seconds (1-600). Default: 5
   -v:version       SNMP version. Supported version: 1, 2c or 3. Default: 1
   -c:community     SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: private
   -ei:engine_id    Engine ID. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3).
   -sn:sec_name     SNMP security name for SNMPv3.
   -ap:auth_proto   Authentication protocol. Supported: MD5, SHA (SNMPv3).
   -aw:auth_passwd  Authentication password (SNMPv3).
   -pp:priv_proto   Privacy protocol. Supported: DES, IDEA, AES128, AES192,
                    AES256, 3DES (SNMPv3).
   -pw:priv_passwd  Privacy password (SNMPv3).
   -cn:cont_name    Context name. (SNMPv3)
   -ce:cont_engine  Context engine. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3)
   -o:var_oid       Object ID (OID) of SNMP variable to SET.
   -val:value       Variable value to SET.
   -tp:type         Type of variable to SET. Supported: int,uint,str,hex,oid,ip.
                    Default: str
SnmpSet.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"admin_rw" -o:. -val:MRouter
SnmpSet.exe -r:MRouter -q -p:10161 -o:. -val:SysAdmin
SnmpSet.exe -r:"::1" -v:3 -sn:SomeName -ap:MD5 -aw:SomeAuthPass -pp:DES -pw:SomePrivPass
             -o:. -val:1 -tp:int
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