在VSTF中,如果你仅仅设置了某个用户的一个权限(例如:Delete this node,当然最基本的权限你必须同时赋予:View the node),你用相应的用户登录发现系统总是提示你没有这个权限,我起初还以为是我的操作有误,反复重试,都是相同的结果。最终向MS求助,才发现你必须同时赋予它Edit work items in the node的权限。急忙尝试,果然成功。哎,这个关联也太不明显了,所以写出来,希望对大家有所帮助。
Prepare VSTF environment as below.
Server: Domain server, DTAT Server
Client: TFC,Office2k3+sp1 and project2003+sp1
In Domain Server Create two userr: <User1> and <User2>
In client, launch VS
Open Team Explorer and connect to TFS (AT).
Create a Agile team project.
Right click Team project and click "Team project settings"-->"Group Membership"
In the group Membership wiindow create <Group1> and add <user1> to <Group1>
1.Right click Team project and click "Team project settings"-->"Areas and iteations"
2.In the "Areas and iteations" window,choose area and then click "security" button the security window will show.
3.If the <Group1> not in the "users and groups" list. click Add button and Add group window show choose <Group1> then click "OK" button
4.In the "permission for [Server]\<Group1>" list set <group1> allow the "Delete this node" and "Edit work items in the node" right.
5.Log on the client machine use account "[domain]\<user1>
Note: If you can't log on sytem ,you can add the <user1> to local administrators groups.
6.Right click Team project and click "Team project settings"-->"Areas and iteations"
7.In the "Areas and iteations" window choose the subArea of area. Verify you only can delete area.