Lucas–Kanade光流算法是一种两帧差分的光流估计算法。它由Bruce D. Lucas 和 Takeo Kanade提出。
H.O.T. 指更高阶,在移动足够小的情况下可以忽略。从这个方程中我们可以得到:
V x ,V y ,V z 分别是I(x,y,z,t)的光流向量中x,y,z的组成。 ,
则是图像在(x ,y ,z ,t )这一点向相应方向的差分 。
I x V x + I y V y + I z V z = − I t。
假设流(Vx,Vy,Vz)在一个大小为m*m*m(m>1)的小窗中是一个常数,那么从像素1...n , n = m 3 中可以得到下列一组方程:(也就是说,对于这多个点,它们三个方向的速度是一样的)即,假设了在一个像素的周围的一个小的窗口内的所有像素点的光流大小是相同的。
这也就是说寻找光流可以通过在四维上图像导数的分别累加得出。我们还需要一个权重函数W(i, j,k) , 来突出窗口中心点的坐标。高斯函数做这项工作是非常合适的,
这一部分《learing opencv》一书的第10章Lucas-Kanade光流部分写得非常详细,推荐大家看书。
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids. void calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(InputArray prevImg, InputArray nextImg, InputArray prevPts, InputOutputArray nextPts, OutputArray status, OutputArray err, Size winSize=Size(15,15), int maxLevel=3, TermCriteria crite- ria=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01), double derivLambda=0.5, int flags=0 ) Parameters prevImg – First 8-bit single-channel or 3-channel input image. nextImg – Second input image of the same size and the same type as prevImg . prevPts – Vector of 2D points for which the flow needs to be found. The point coordinates must be single-precision floating-point numbers. nextPts – Output vector of 2D points (with single-precision floating-point coordinates) containing the calculated new positions of input features in the second image. When OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW flag is passed, the vector must have the same size as in the input. status – Output status vector. Each element of the vector is set to 1 if the flow for the corresponding features has been found. Otherwise, it is set to 0. err – Output vector that contains the difference between patches around the original and moved points. winSize – Size of the search window at each pyramid level. maxLevel – 0-based maximal pyramid level number. If set to 0, pyramids are not used (single level). If set to 1, two levels are used, and so on. criteria – Parameter specifying the termination criteria of the iterative search algorithm (after the specified maximum number of iterations criteria.maxCount or when the search window moves by less than criteria.epsilon . derivLambda – Not used. flags – Operation flags: – OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW Use initial estimations stored in nextPts . If the flag is not set, then prevPts is copied to nextPts and is considered as the initial estimate.
<span style="font-size:18px;">//帧处理基类 class FrameProcessor{ public: virtual void process(Mat &input,Mat &ouput)=0; }; //特征跟踪类,继承自帧处理基类 class FeatureTracker : public FrameProcessor{ Mat gray; //当前灰度图 Mat gray_prev; //之前的灰度图 vector<Point2f> points[2];//前后两帧的特征点 vector<Point2f> initial;//初始特征点 vector<Point2f> features;//检测到的特征 int max_count; //要跟踪特征的最大数目 double qlevel; //特征检测的指标 double minDist;//特征点之间最小容忍距离 vector<uchar> status; //特征点被成功跟踪的标志 vector<float> err; //跟踪时的特征点小区域误差和 public: FeatureTracker():max_count(500),qlevel(0.01),minDist(10.){} void process(Mat &frame,Mat &output){ //得到灰度图 cvtColor (frame,gray,CV_BGR2GRAY); frame.copyTo (output); //特征点太少了,重新检测特征点 if(addNewPoint()){ detectFeaturePoint (); //插入检测到的特征点 points[0].insert (points[0].end (),features.begin (),features.end ()); initial.insert (initial.end (),features.begin (),features.end ()); } //第一帧 if(gray_prev.empty ()){ gray.copyTo (gray_prev); } //根据前后两帧灰度图估计前一帧特征点在当前帧的位置 //默认窗口是15*15 calcOpticalFlowPyrLK ( gray_prev,//前一帧灰度图 gray,//当前帧灰度图 points[0],//前一帧特征点位置 points[1],//当前帧特征点位置 status,//特征点被成功跟踪的标志 err);//前一帧特征点点小区域和当前特征点小区域间的差,根据差的大小可删除那些运动变化剧烈的点 int k = 0; //去除那些未移动的特征点 for(int i=0;i<points[1].size ();i++){ if(acceptTrackedPoint (i)){ initial[k]=initial[i]; points[1][k++] = points[1][i]; } } points[1].resize (k); initial.resize (k); //标记被跟踪的特征点 handleTrackedPoint (frame,output); //为下一帧跟踪初始化特征点集和灰度图像
matlab 参考程序 如下:
%%% Usage: Lucas_Kanade('1.bmp','2.bmp',10) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%file1:输入图像1 %%%file2:输入图像2 %%%density:显示密度 function Lucas_Kanade(file1, file2, density) %%% Read Images %% 读取图像 img1 = im2double (imread (file1)); %%% Take alternating rows and columns %% 按行分成奇偶 [odd1, ~] = split (img1); img2 = im2double (imread (file2)); [odd2, ~] = split (img2); %%% Run Lucas Kanade %% 运行光流估计 [Dx, Dy] = Estimate (odd1, odd2); %%% Plot %% 绘图 figure; [maxI,maxJ] = size(Dx); Dx = Dx(1:density:maxI,1:density:maxJ); Dy = Dy(1:density:maxI,1:density:maxJ); quiver(1:density:maxJ, (maxI):(-density):1, Dx, -Dy, 1); axis square; %%% Run Lucas Kanade on all levels and interpolate %% 光流 function [Dx, Dy] = Estimate (img1, img2) level = 4;%%%金字塔层数 half_window_size = 2; % [m, n] = size (img1); G00 = img1; G10 = img2; if (level > 0)%%%从零到level G01 = reduce (G00); G11 = reduce (G10); end if (level>1) G02 = reduce (G01); G12 = reduce (G11); end if (level>2) G03 = reduce (G02); G13 = reduce (G12); end if (level>3) G04 = reduce (G03); G14 = reduce (G13); end l = level; for i = level: -1 :0, if (l == level) switch (l) case 4, Dx = zeros (size (G04)); Dy = zeros (size (G04)); case 3, Dx = zeros (size (G03)); Dy = zeros (size (G03)); case 2, Dx = zeros (size (G02)); Dy = zeros (size (G02)); case 1, Dx = zeros (size (G01)); Dy = zeros (size (G01)); case 0, Dx = zeros (size (G00)); Dy = zeros (size (G00)); end else Dx = expand (Dx); Dy = expand (Dy); Dx = Dx .* 2; Dy = Dy .* 2; end switch (l) case 4, W = warp (G04, Dx, Dy); [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G14, half_window_size); case 3, W = warp (G03, Dx, Dy); [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G13, half_window_size); case 2, W = warp (G02, Dx, Dy); [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G12, half_window_size); case 1, W = warp (G01, Dx, Dy); [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G11, half_window_size); case 0, W = warp (G00, Dx, Dy); [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G10, half_window_size); end [m, n] = size (W); Dx(1:m, 1:n) = Dx(1:m,1:n) + Vx; Dy(1:m, 1:n) = Dy(1:m, 1:n) + Vy; smooth (Dx); smooth (Dy); l = l - 1; end %%% Lucas Kanade on the image sequence at pyramid step %% function [Vx, Vy] = EstimateMotion (W, G1, half_window_size) [m, n] = size (W); Vx = zeros (size (W)); Vy = zeros (size (W)); N = zeros (2*half_window_size+1, 5); for i = 1:m, l = 0; for j = 1-half_window_size:1+half_window_size, l = l + 1; N (l,:) = getSlice (W, G1, i, j, half_window_size); end replace = 1; for j = 1:n, t = sum (N); [v, d] = eig ([t(1) t(2);t(2) t(3)]); namda1 = d(1,1); namda2 = d(2,2); if (namda1 > namda2) tmp = namda1; namda1 = namda2; namda2 = tmp; tmp1 = v (:,1); v(:,1) = v(:,2); v(:,2) = tmp1; end if (namda2 < 0.001) Vx (i, j) = 0; Vy (i, j) = 0; elseif (namda2 > 100 * namda1) n2 = v(1,2) * t(4) + v(2,2) * t(5); Vx (i,j) = n2 * v(1,2) / namda2; Vy (i,j) = n2 * v(2,2) / namda2; else n1 = v(1,1) * t(4) + v(2,1) * t(5); n2 = v(1,2) * t(4) + v(2,2) * t(5); Vx (i,j) = n1 * v(1,1) / namda1 + n2 * v(1,2) / namda2; Vy (i,j) = n1 * v(2,1) / namda1 + n2 * v(2,2) / namda2; end N (replace, :) = getSlice (W, G1, i, j+half_window_size+1, half_window_size); replace = replace + 1; if (replace == 2 * half_window_size + 2) replace = 1; end end end %%% The Reduce Function for pyramid %%金字塔压缩 function result = reduce (ori) [m,n] = size (ori); mid = zeros (m, n); %%%行列值的一半 m1 = round (m/2); n1 = round (n/2); %%%输出即为输入图像的1/4 result = zeros (m1, n1); %%%滤波 %%%0.05 0.25 0.40 0.25 0.05 w = generateFilter (0.4); for j = 1 : m, tmp = conv([ori(j,n-1:n) ori(j,1:n) ori(j,1:2)], w); mid(j,1:n1) = tmp(5:2:n+4); end for i=1:n1, tmp = conv([mid(m-1:m,i); mid(1:m,i); mid(1:2,i)]', w); result(1:m1,i) = tmp(5:2:m+4)'; end %%% The Expansion Function for pyramid %%金字塔扩展 function result = expand (ori) [m,n] = size (ori); mid = zeros (m, n); %%%行列值的两倍 m1 = m * 2; n1 = n * 2; %%%输出即为输入图像的4倍 result = zeros (m1, n1); %%%滤波 %%%0.05 0.25 0.40 0.25 0.05 w = generateFilter (0.4); for j=1:m, t = zeros (1, n1); t(1:2:n1-1) = ori (j,1:n); tmp = conv ([ori(j,n) 0 t ori(j,1) 0], w); mid(j,1:n1) = 2 .* tmp (5:n1+4); end for i=1:n1, t = zeros (1, m1); t(1:2:m1-1) = mid (1:m,i)'; tmp = conv([mid(m,i) 0 t mid(1,i) 0], w); result(1:m1,i) = 2 .* tmp (5:m1+4)'; end function filter = generateFilter (alpha)%%%滤波系数 filter = [0.25-alpha/2, 0.25, alpha, 0.25, 0.25-alpha/2]; function [N] = getSlice (W, G1, i, j, half_window_size) N = zeros (1, 5); [m, n] = size (W); for y = -half_window_size:half_window_size, Y1 = y +i; if (Y1 < 1) Y1 = Y1 + m; elseif (Y1 > m) Y1 = Y1 - m; end X1 = j; if (X1 < 1) X1 = X1 + n; elseif (X1 > n) X1 = X1 - n; end DeriX = Derivative (G1, X1, Y1, 'x'); %%%计算x、y方向梯度 DeriY = Derivative (G1, X1, Y1, 'y'); N = N + [ DeriX * DeriX, ... DeriX * DeriY, ... DeriY * DeriY, ... DeriX * (G1 (Y1, X1) - W (Y1, X1)), ... DeriY * (G1 (Y1, X1) - W (Y1, X1))]; end function result = smooth (img) result = expand (reduce (img));%%%太碉 function [odd, even] = split (img) [m, ~] = size (img);%%%按行分成奇偶 odd = img (1:2:m, :); even = img (2:2:m, :); %%% Interpolation %% 插值 function result = warp (img, Dx, Dy) [m, n] = size (img); [x,y] = meshgrid (1:n, 1:m); x = x + Dx (1:m, 1:n); y = y + Dy (1:m,1:n); for i=1:m, for j=1:n, if x(i,j)>n x(i,j) = n; end if x(i,j)<1 x(i,j) = 1; end if y(i,j)>m y(i,j) = m; end if y(i,j)<1 y(i,j) = 1; end end end result = interp2 (img, x, y, 'linear');%%%二维数据内插值 %%% Calculates the Fx Fy %% 计算x、y方向梯度 function result = Derivative (img, x, y, direction) [m, n] = size (img); switch (direction) case 'x', if (x == 1) result = img (y, x+1) - img (y, x); elseif (x == n) result = img (y, x) - img (y, x-1); else result = 0.5 * (img (y, x+1) - img (y, x-1)); end case 'y', if (y == 1) result = img (y+1, x) - img (y, x); elseif (y == m) result = img (y, x) - img (y-1, x); else result = 0.5 * (img (y+1, x) - img (y-1, x)); end end