在QTP中申明CSS Selectors

Example 1: John Smith

John Smith is within the H4 tag. Its TEXT value is used to implement Object Indentification in this example. Below is the target HTML used:


  <h4>John Smith <input type=checkbox name="select" /></h4>


1. h4[innertext~='John']

Note: This Selector works in IE, not Firefox.

2. h4:first-of-type

3. h4[innertext*='John']

  h4[innertext*='ohn S']

  h4[innertext*='John S']

4. h4[innertext$='Smith']


Example 2: Table with attribute ID='table2'

The target HTML for the table in question is shown below:


  <h4>John Smith <input type=checkbox name="select" /></h4>

  <table id='table1'>

    <!--other nodes-->

  <h4>Anne Anderson <input type="checkbox" name="select" checked=true /></h4>

  <table id='table2'>


1. table+h4+table

2. table#table2

3. table:last-of-type

4. table:nth-of-type(2)

Note: When working with CSS Selectors, the first item will start at 1, not 0.


Example 3: Button 2 of Table 1

In the previous two examples, we have seen how to indentify a heading and a table node. In this example, let's see how to indentify the below INPUT node.

<td><input type='button' value='Button 2' class='btn_blue'></td>


1. input[value='Button 2']

2. td > input[value='Button 2']

3. input[value='Button 2'][class='btn_blue']


Example 4: Indentify the Checkbox in 'checked' state

The checkbox in question is beside the Anne Anderson H4 tag. The target HTML to consider is the following:

<h4>Anne Anderson <input type="checkbox" name="select" checked=true /></h4>


1. h4>input:checked

2. input:checked


Example 5: Indentify the Checkbox in 'unchecked' state

In the previous example, we saw how to indentify the checkbox in its checked state. Even though we are working with a checkbox, there are different ways of indentifying the target using CSS. Below is the HTML for the checkbox:

<h4>John Smith <input type=checkbox name="select" /></h4>


1. h4:first-child>input

2. h4:first-child:nth-child(1)


nth-child(n) Pseudo-Class

For the next example, let's examine the list shown below:

<title>CSS Chapter</title>

<!-- HTML -->

<ol id="namelist" name="names">








CSS Selectors can also be used to separate each list item using the nth-child(x) pseudo-class. To first select the target list, its ID property can be used as shown below:

Browser("CSS Chapter").WebElement("css:=#namelist").Highlight

Browser("CSS Chapter").WebElement("css:=ol#namelist").Highlight

To find the items of the list, nth-child(x) can be used:

'First item in the list

Browser("CSS Chapter").WebElement("css:=#namelist :nth-child(1)").Highlight

Note: When working with CSS Selector, unlike zero-based VBScript, the first item will start at 1, not 0.

For the second to the fifth items in the list, the following index may be used for the pseudo-class:

css:=#namelist :nth-child(2)

css:=#namelist :nth-child(3)

css:=#namelist :nth-child(4)

css:=#namelist :nth-child(5)

posted @ 2013-11-21 21:47  dushuai  阅读(270)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报