
 Method 1

'Get the tables DOM object

Set oDOMTable = Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").object

'To Click on (1,1) we can use:

Row = 1

Col = 1

oDOMTable.rows(Row - 1).Cells(Col - 1).Click

Method 2

We can also bind to the corresponding WebElement object of the target cell and then click it.

'Get the DOM table object

Set oDOMTable = Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").object
Row = 1

Col = 1

'Get the source index of the table

sIndex = oDOMTable.rows(Row - 1).Cells(Col - 1).sourceIndex

'Click on the WebElement using it's source index

Browser("").Page("").WebElement("source_Index:=" & sIndex).Click

Method 3

This method uses the Object Indentification hierarchy. Each row is a child object of the Table and each cell is a child of its table Row. So to click cell(1,1), we can use the following code:

'Get the WebTable test object

Set oDOMTable = Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").object

Row = 1

Col = 1

'Get the Row WebElement of the object

Set oRow = oWebTable.WebElement("html tag:=TR","index:=" & (Row - 1))

'Get the Cell WebElement of the object from the row element

Set oCell = oRow.WebElement("html tag:=TD","index:=" & (Col - 1))

'Click on the cell


'Note: This approach may not work correctly if the Table has nested Tables inside it.

Method 4

This method can be used when we want to click on an object which is located inside a table cell:

'Get the WebTable test object

Set oDOMTable = Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").object

Row = 1

Col = 1

'Get the number of WebEdits present in specified Row,Col

iEditCount = oWebTable.ChildItemCount(Row, Col, "Link")

If iEditCount = 0 Then

MsgBox "No WebEdit present in 1,1"


'Get the 1st WebEdit present in 1,1

Set oWebEdit = oWebTable.ChildItem(Row, Col, "Link"0)

'Set the value

oWebEdit.Set "This is 1st WebEdit in 1,1"

End if

posted @ 2013-11-20 15:51  dushuai  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报