
Dim Repository

Set Repository = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil.1")

Repository.Load "C:\Test.tsr"

'Set Repository = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\Temp\TestOR.xml")

'This array will be used to store all the object definitions

Dim outArray

Redim outArray(0)


'Header row of he excel sheet

outArray(0) = Array("Keyword", "Type", "Parent", "Indentifier1", "Indentifier2", "Indentifier3", "Indentifier4", "Indentifier5", "Indentifier6")


'This function will recursively enumerate all the objects present in the OR

Call EnumerateObjectsIntoArray(Null, "", outArray)


'Save all the array details to a XLS

ExportArrayToXLS outArray,"C:\Test.xls"


Set Repository = Nothing


Function EnumerateObjectsIntoArray(Root, ByVal Parent, ByRef OutArray)

Dim TOCollection, TestObject, PropertiesCollection, PropertyObj, Msg

Dim sColumns


'Get the childrens'
Set TOCollection = Repository.GetChildren(Root)


For i = 0 To TOCollection.Count - 1

sColumns = Array("","","","","","","","","","")

'Get the Test Object
Set TestObject = TOCollection.Item(i)

'Get all TO properties for the test object
Set PropertiesCollection = TestObject.GetTOProperties()

'Get the object information
sColumns(0) = Repository.GetLogicalName(TestObject) 'Name
sColumns(1) = TestObject.GetTOProperty("micclass") 'Type
sColumns(2) = Parent 'Parent

'Populate the identification properties
For n = 0 To PropertiesCollection.Count - 1
Set PropertyObj = PropertiesCollection.Item(n)
sColumns(3 + n) = PropertyObj.Name & ":=" & PropertyObj.Value

'Increase the Array size by 1 and add the new object

ReDim Preserve outArray(UBound(OutArray,1) + 1)
outArray(UBound(OutArray,1)) = sColumns

'Call the function recursively and pass the name of current object
EnumerateObjectsIntoArray TestObject, sColumns(0), OutArray

End Function


'Funtion to export a 2-d array to excel file

Function ExportArrayToXLS(ByVal ValArray, ByVal FileName)

'Declare constants

Const xlEdgeLeft = 7

Const xlEdgeTop = 8

Const xlEdgeBottom = 9

Const xlEdgeRight = 10

Const xlInsideVertical = 11

Const xlInsideHorizontal = 12

Const xlThin = 2

Const xlAutomatic = -4105

Const xlContinuous = 1


Dim i, iCount

Dim xlApp, xlWorkbook, xlWorksheet

'Create the excel application object

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xlApp.Visible = True


'Add a new workbook

Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add

Set xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)


'Change the name

xlWorksheet.Name = "ExportedOR"


sLastColumn = GetColumnName(UBound(ValArray(0)) + 1)

iCount = UBound(ValArray) + 1


'Update sheet row by row

For i = 1 To iCount

xlWorksheet.Range("A"&i&":"&sLastColumn&i) = ValArray(i-1)



'Yellow color and bold font for header

xlWorksheet.Range("A1:"&sLastColumn&"1").Interior.ColorIndex = 6

xlWorksheet.Range("A1:"&sLastColumn&"1").Font.Bold = True


'Add borders to all cells

With xlWorksheet.Range("A1:"&sLastColumn&(iCount))

For i = xlEdgeLeft To xlInsideHorizontal
.Borders(i).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(i).Weight = xlThin
End With


'Autofit all columns



'Save sheet and close excel

'DisplayAlerts needs to be false to disable the overwrite file message

xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
xlWorkbook.SaveAs FileName




'Clean up

Set xlWorksheet = Nothing

Set xlWorkbook = Nothing

Set xlApp = Nothing

End Function


Function GetColumnName(ByVal Index)

GetColumnName = Chr(Asc("A") + (Index - 1) Mod 26)

Index = (Index - 1) \ 26

If Index <> 0 Then GetColumnName = Chr(Asc("A") + (Index - 1) Mod 26) + GetColumnName

End Function

posted @ 2013-06-14 16:37  dushuai  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报