

Class BaiduSearch

 Private m_htChildObjects '定义变量作为Scripting.Dictionary

 '***********为变量设置Get Set方法*************

 Public Property Get ChildObjects()

  Set ChildObjects = m_htChildObjects

 End Property


 Public Property Let ChildObjects(ByRef dic)

  Set m_htChildObjects = dic

 End Property



 Public Function Init()

  ChildObjects = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

  With ChildObjects

   .Add "Browser", Browser("name:=百度一下, 你就知道")

   .Add "Page", ChildObjects.item("Browser").Page("title:=百度一下, 你就知道")

   .Add "SearchContent", ChildObjects.item("Page").WebEdit("html id:=k")

   .Add "Submit", ChildObjects.item("Page").WebButton("value:=百度一下")

  End With

  Init = IsContextLoaded(ChildObjects)

 End Function


 '**********业务行为函数 - 百度输入搜索内容**************

 Public Function SetSearchContent()

  ChildObjects.item("SearchContent").Set "zzxxbb112"

 End Function


 '***********业务行为函数 - 百度点击搜索***************

 Public Function Submit()


 End Function

End Class



Public Function IsContextLoaded(ByRef htContext)

 Dim allExist, ix, aItems, aKeys, strDetails, strAdditionalRemarks

 allExist = True

 aItems = htContext.Items

 aKeys = htContext.Keys

 For ix = 0 To htContext.Count - 1

  IsContextLoaded = aItems(ix).Exist(0)

  strDetails = strDetails & vbNewLine & "Object #" & ix+1 & ": '" & akeys(ix) & "' was"

  If IsContextLoaded Then

   strDetails = strDetails & ""

   strAdditionalRemarks = ""


   strDetails = strDetails & " not"

   strAdditionalRemarks = " Please check the object properties"

   allExist = False

  End If

  IsContextLoaded = IsContextLoaded And allExist

  Select Case IsContextLoaded

   Case True intStatus = micPass

   Case False intStatus = micWarning

  End Select

  strDetails = strDetails & " found." & strAdditionalRemarks


 Reporter.ReportEvent intStatus, "IsContextLoaded", strDetails

End Function



Public Function CreateLogin()

 Dim objLogin

 Set objLogin = New BaiduSearch

 Set CreateLogin = objLogin

End Function


posted @ 2012-09-15 21:51  dushuai  阅读(451)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报