

Function NewMsgbox(text)

 Print "Msgbox - " & text

End Function

Dim ptrMsgBox, MsgBox

'Get the reference to new function

Set ptrMsgBox = GetRef("NewMsgbox")

'Override the message box now

Set MsgBox = ptrMsgBox


'Now in every Action we just need to add two lines at the top to override the Msgbox method to our new one

Dim MsgBox

'Override the message box now

Set MsgBox = ptrMsgBox

'This way we can have the Function only in the library file and use its pointer everywhere to override the Function



Dim oOrgReporter, oNewReporter


'The original reporter object

Set oOrgReporter = Reporter

Set oNewReporter = New NewReporter


Class NewReporter

 'ReportEvent method

 Function ReportEvent(Status, EventName, Description)

  ReportEvent = oOrgReporter.ReportEvent(Status, EventName, Description)

 End Function

 'Getting the current filter value

 Property Get Filter()

  Filter = oOrgReporter.Filter

 End Property

 'Setting a new value for the filter

 Property Let Filter(newValue)

  oOrgReporter.Filter = newValue

 End Property


 'Run Status is read-only property, so we define the Get property only

 Property Get RunStatus()

  RunStatus = oOrgReporter.RunStatus

 End Property


 'ReportPath is read-only property, so we define the Get property only

 Property Get ReportPath()

  ReporterPath = oOrgReporter.ReportPath

 End Property


 Function ReportHTML(Status, EventName, HTMLText)

  'Code to report the HTML text

 End Function

End Class

'Now when we associate the above code in an associated library we have the new reporter object in the oNewReporter object with our added method.

'In Action:

Dim oOrgReporter, oNewReporter


'The original reporter object

Set oOrgReporter = Reporter


Set oNewReporter = New NewReporter

Execute "Dim Reporter"

Set Reporter = oNewReporter


posted @ 2012-09-06 14:01  dushuai  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报