
'Function to Add an attachment to a specified object

Public Function AddAttachment(ByVal TOObject, ByVal FileName)

 Dim oNewAttachment

 'Upload the new file

 Set oNewAttachment = TOObject.Attachments.AddItem(Null)

 oNewAttachment.FileName = FileName

 oNewAttachment.Type = 1 'TDATT_FILE


 'Return the new attachment

 Set AddAttachment = oNewAttachment

End Function


'To add the attachment to CurrentRun of the test we can just call it below way

Call AddAttachment(QCUtil.CurrentRun, "C:\File.txt")


'Function remove an existing attachment from an object

Public Function RemoveAttachment(ByVal FromObject, ByVal FileName)

 Dim oAttachments, oAttachment

 Set oAttachments = FromObject.Attachments.NewList("")

 'No attachments removed

 RemoveAttachment = False

 For each oAttachment in oAttachments

  If oAttachment.Name(1) = FileName Then


   'Attachment has been removed

   RemoveAttachment = True

   Exit Function

  End If


End Function

'To remove the attachment to CurrentRun of the test we can just call it below way

Call RemoveAttachment(QCUtil.CurrentRun, "C:\File.txt")


'Function to download attachment from a QCObject to a specified folder

Public Function DownloadAttachment(ByVal FromObject, ByVal TOPath, ByVal filename)

 Dim oAttachments, oAttachment

 Set oAttachments = FromObject.Attachments.NewList("")

 'No attachments removed

 DownloadAttachment = False

 Dim FSO

 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

 For Each oAttachment In oAttachments

  If oAttachment.Name(1) = FileName Then

   'Load the attachment to local drive

   oAttachment.Load True, ""

   'Attachment was downloaded

   DownloadAttachment = True

   'Copy the file from temporary downloaded location to the TOPlace folder

   FSO.CopyFile oAttachment.FileName, TOPath & oAttachment.Name(1),True

   Exit Function

  End If


End Function


posted @ 2012-08-07 09:30  dushuai  阅读(435)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报