【Mark】Why was Default.aspx removed from MVC 2

Q: Why was Default.aspx removed from MVC 2?
A: Default.aspx file should only be needed when running in IIS6 or in IIS7 Classic Mode. Neither Cassini (the built in VS web server) nor IIS7 Integrated Mode (the default) need default.aspx. The reason we took Default.aspx out is that there are many steps required to get ASP.NET MVC to work on IIS6 and IIS7 Classic Mode and having Default.aspx in the project doesn't help very much anyway since there are so many other steps.









The app is a single executable: Download MvcAppConverter.zip (220 KB).


posted @ 2010-04-03 11:37  MicroCoder  阅读(226)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报