


tell a sotry about love


where you go shows your interest,sometimes it will be cool to communicate with other people based on points on map.
we suppose to make a app which can tucao on a real map and real points and reply others.
what's more,when two people use our app ,the BubbleLight will

our team

6 girls from 5 schools

want know more tech details


a. software

android app

b. hardfware

cellphone & ardunio uno board

c. tools:

eclipse|ADT|google map for android|AVOS cloud|Android Virtual Device Manager

jiayao's work

a. find an arduino board with bluetooth module
b. turn on a light on arduino()
c. match phone and arduino with bluetooth module
d. search


  1. 用mac os 还是win7?|mac适合 android,win7 适合arduino
  2. 测试用手机?|meitong's?
  3. 灯,效果应该是灯泡?|先用开发板上面得小灯实现


  1. Google发布Android Open Accessory标准与ADK开发工具(基于Arduino)

  2. Android与Arduino的USB通讯实验(1)

  3. 【Arduino】开发入门【十】Arduino蓝牙模块与Android实现通信

posted @ 2014-12-19 19:47  dunfentiao  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报