[转]Top 10 things Vi user need to know about Vim


Top 10 things Vi user need to know about Vim

1. :help

Vim has a extensive on-line help system. You can access this by using the:


2. You don't get the good features unless you turn them on

By default Vim starts in Vi compatibility mode. This means that most of the good features are turned off. The easiest way to turn them on is to create a $HOME/.vimrc file. Here's a sample one. (The documentation for this file is here.)
One of the first features you'll notice when your create your .vimrc file is that you have more than one level of undo.

3. Multiple Windows

The command:


splits the current window in two. You can then move the cursor up to a window with CTRL-W j and down a window with CTRL-W k.
The command:

    :split file.txt

splits the window and begins editing another file.
o close a window, use the normal Vim exit commands ZZ or :q!.

4. Visual Mode

Typing v causes Vim. to enter "visual" mode. You can then highlight a block a text and then execute a Vim editing command such as d, y, or > on it.
For example, let's highlight a block of text starting with v and then moving the cursor.
We now delete it with the d command.
The v command selects text by character. The CTRL-V command selects text as a block. The V command selects line.

5. The 'incsearch' and 'hlsearch' options

The 'incsearch' option

By default, searching starts after you enter the string. With the option:
:set incsearch

set, incremental searches will be done. The Vim editor will start searching when you type the first character of the search string. As you type in more characters, the search is refined.

The 'hlsearch' option

The "highlight search option" ('hlsearch') turns on search highlighting. This option is enabled by the command:
:set hlsearch
After the option is enabled, any search highlights the string matched by the search.

set nohlsearch
把F5映射成toggle highlight search:
echo map \<F5\>; :set hls\!\<bar\>;set hls?\<CR\>; >;>; ~/.vimrc
ps:answer address

6. The 'cindent' option and the = command

The Vi editor has a 'autoindent' option which indents each line the same the previous one. The Vim editor does a much better job of indentation. The 'cindent' option is set with the command:

    :set cindent

This turns on C style indentation. Each new line will be automatically indented the correct amount according to the C indentation standard.

7. The :make command

You've created a program. You've even got a Makefile for it. Now you need to compile your program and correct the errors. To do this, start with the command:


This runs the make command and captures the output. When the command finishes the editor starts editing the first file.
The next step is to fix the error. After that you need to go to the line causing the next error. This is done using the command:


This command will go to the location of the next error even if it is in another file.
You can continue fixing problems and using :cn until all your problems are over or you want to do a recompile.
If you want to see the current error message again, use the command:


8. Tag navigation

The command:

    $ ctags *.c

generates a "table of contents" file containing all the tags in the files you've listed on the command. The name of this file is tags.

This file can be used by Vim to aide in the editing of a program. The command:

    $ gvim -t a_function

starts Vim and positions the cursor at the definition of the function "a_function". (No matter what file it is in.)
Tag Navigation

Now suppose "a_function" calls "write_block":

    void a_function(void)

You need to see what "write_block" does. To do this, position the cursor over the "write_block" call and press CTRL-]. The editor will jump to the definition of "write_block" (even if it has to switch files to do so.)

Now "write_block" calls "write_char". So you position the cursor over the "write_char" and press CTRL-]. The editor now jumps to the definition of this function.

Having figured everything out, you can return up a level with the CTRL-T command. This causes you to go from "write_char" to the call in "write_block". The next CTRL-T returns to the "write_block" call in "a_function".

9. Abbreviations

We have the following abbreviations defined in our ~/.vimrc.

    :ab #b /****************************************
    :ab #e ^V^H*****************************************/

These let use define boxed comments with ease. By typing "#b" we type the top of a boxed comment. Typing "#e" types the bottom line. (We put the VHVH in the file to backup over the comment leader.)

These abbreviations were chosen to make the end of the comment align on a tab boundary.

10. Word Completion

When your typing and you enter a partial word, you can cause Vim to search for a completion by using the ^P (search for previous marching word) and ^N (search for next match).


The main Vim site: http://www.vim.org

The Vim Cookbook page

posted @ 2014-12-15 16:33  dunfentiao  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报