Remaining tasks.

Remaining tasks:

1. the percentage of missing points, 非0个数6677/7852 = 0.8503,所以0的比率是15%.

3. modify paper according to pdf.

4. check collective anomalies.

5. 代码部分:

  • 多个lstm层
  • 结果sim_score的分析,
  • 画图: TSNE, attention等。

2. tuning hyperparameters: 目前调了z_dim, h_dim; 还差参数layer_depth; lambda_kl + eta_kl (目前是0.01)

 pre-processing: when removing noise: 11 and 2

x[each] = savgol_filter(x[each], 11, 2) # (seq_length,)
hyperparameters for model training:
# Model hyperparameters
T_w = 240  # Window length
batch_size = 1024
n_epochs = 550 # 到550时会收敛,可以固定。
z_dim = 3 # 3,4,5,6
h_dim = 128,256,712 # Number of LSTM units in each direction
layer_depth = 1,2,3 # >1 会报错。
x_dim = 23 #固定
lr = 0.001 #learning rate, 固定
criterion = ELBO_loss or M_ELBO_loss.


posted @ 2020-08-28 01:22  keeps_you_warm  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报