PP: Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data

From: Stanford University; Jure Leskovec, citation 6w+; 


subsequence clustering.


discover patterns is challenging because it requires simultaneous segmentation and clustering of the time series + interpreting the cluster results is difficult. 

Why discover time series patterns is a challenge?? thinking by yourself!! there are already so many distance measures(DTW, manifold distance) and clustering methods(knn,k-means etc.). But I admit the interpretation is difficult.


long time series ----breakdown-----> a sequence of states/patterns ------> so time series can be expressed as a sequential timeline of a few key states. -------> discover repeated patterns/ understand trends/ detect anomalies/ better interpret large and high-dimensional datasets. 

Key steps: simultaneously segment and cluster the time series.

Unsupervised learning: hard to interpretation, after clustering, you have to view data itself.

how to discover interpretable structure in the data?

Traditional clustering methods are not particularly well-suited to discover interpretable structure in the data. This is because they typically rely on distance-based metrics

distance-based metrics, DTW.

距离式的算法,在处理multivariate time series上有劣势,看不到细微的数据结构相似性

Propose a new method for multivariate time series clustering TICC:

  • define each cluster as a dependency network showing the relationships between the different sensors in a short subsequence.
  • each cluster is a markov random field. 
  • In thes MRFs, an edge represents a partial correlation between two variables. 
  • learn each cluster's MRF by estimating a sparse Gaussian inverse covariance matrix. 
  • This network has multiple layers. 
  • the number of layers corresponds to the window size of a short subsequence.
  • 逆协方差矩阵定义了MRF dependency network 的adjaccency matrix.

Related work: 


time series clustering and convex optimization;

variations of dtw; symbolic representations; rule-based motif discovery; 

However, these methods generally rely on distance-based metrics. 

TICC ------ a model-based clustering method, like ARMA, Gaussian mixture or hidden markov models. 

  • define each cluster by a Gaussian inverse covariance. 
  • so the Gaussian inverse covariance defines a Markov random field encoding the structural representation.  
  • K clusters/ inverse covariances.

selecting the number of clusters: cross-validation; mornalized mutual information; BIC or silhouette score. 

 看不懂哇 T T 

Supplementary knowledge:

1. 对于unsupervised learning, 目前对结果的解释或者中间参数的选取,全是靠经验

2. Aarhus data, Martin, 做多变量time series 预测。

3. Toeplitz Matrices: 常对角矩阵。 

4. ticc code













1. 如何用简单易懂的例子解释条件随机场(CRF)模型?


posted @ 2020-01-31 00:41  keeps_you_warm  阅读(378)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报